How To Recognize A Good Chocolate Couverture

How To Recognize A Good Chocolate Couverture
How To Recognize A Good Chocolate Couverture

The chocolate couverture is available in both small and large cuts. It is often used in making a variety of pastries and cakes.

The cocoa butter contained in it determines the taste and quality of chocolate. So when buying such a couverture you should pay attention to the ratio of cocoa butter in the content.

The higher the percentage of cocoa butter, the better and tastier the product. This percentage should vary between 32 and 39%. The total ratio of cocoa butter and cocoa syrup in the chocolate couverture should be 54%.

The chocolate couverture is available white, with fresh milk, sweeter, more bitter, composed of dark and bitter varieties according to the degree of intensity.

Packages from 500 g to 2.5 kg are usually available.

Chocolate topping
Chocolate topping

It is easy to use and store. Store mainly in a dry, dark and cool room.

If it needs to be used, it can be scraped with a serrated knife and again you can save the rest.

The chocolate couverture can be purchased both from stores and online. The large chain stores are also available.
