The Most Popular Diets This Year

The Most Popular Diets This Year
The Most Popular Diets This Year

They say that for the dream body for the summer you have to start working in the winter. That is why many people start their chosen diet at the beginning of the year. Nutritionists from around the world compile each year ranking of the best diets. Here which are the most popular diets this year:

№1 Mediterranean

This is one of the most popular, delicious and easy diets. It emphasizes fish and seafood, lots of vegetables and fruits. You can eat dairy products, poultry and eggs.

Whole grains and those high in healthy fats are recommended. As the Mediterranean diet allows for delicious things, you still need to be careful with the amounts and calories.

№2 The DASH Diet

The dash diet is very popular this year
The dash diet is very popular this year

The DASH regimen is extremely suitable for people who have high blood pressure or cholesterol problems. But not only. This is a diet where the results are seen quickly. This diet is mainly eaten legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Meals in the DASH diet are between 6 and 8. If you eat meat, it should be clean, for example, white chicken.

№3 Flexetarian

As the name suggests, this is a semi-vegetarian diet. With it you will certainly lose weight, as it is consumed mainly plant products. Avoid dairy products. You can replace them with their vegetarian varieties, such as nut milk.

№4 HMR diet

According to nutritionists, this is the mode in which the effect occurs the fastest. It consists in limiting calorie intake to 1,500 kcal per day. Only vegetables and fruits are eaten in this diet. Do not be in a hurry to be afraid - to reach 1,500 kcal per day with fruits and vegetables, you will certainly eat more than plenty.
