Lose Weight Smartly And Permanently With A Flexitarian Diet

Lose Weight Smartly And Permanently With A Flexitarian Diet
Lose Weight Smartly And Permanently With A Flexitarian Diet

The flexitarian diet is a diet in which it is recommended to consume as much plant food as possible and less meat products. This diet will help you lose weight and reap all the benefits of vegetarianism without giving up meat completely.

There are many studies that prove that eating mostly plant foods has benefits for the body. According to a study, people who do not eat meat live about 3.6 years longer and are also about 15% lighter than other people.

With the flexitarian diet you can lose weight healthily - according to data it is about 15-20 pounds for a period of half to one year. In general, this diet encourages the consumption of lots of fresh vegetables and seasonal foods.

The flexitarian diet provides 1,500 calories a day. They are divided into three meals, which are called basic, and two, which are intermediate. For breakfast, a person should consume 300 calories, and at lunch - 400. The dinner of a person performing this regime is 500 calories, and the so-called. snacks are 150 calories.

In fact, losers can limit their calorie intake, if necessary, to 1200 - for this purpose, eliminate snacks. Of course, there is a variant in which the calories are increased - up to 1800, and for this purpose the calories at breakfast are doubled.


Weight loss will be followed by many types of food to choose from. The duration of the regimen can be a minimum of five weeks.

Dietitians choose between three levels of the flexitarian diet - beginner, advanced and expert.

The beginner level starts with at least two days a week during which meat should not be consumed. The advanced level means that meat should not be eaten between three and four days a week, and the expert level means that meat should not be consumed five days a week. At the expert level, meat can be eaten during the other two days, but not more than 500 grams of meat in total.

No matter which level of the diet is applied, meat should not be a major part of the meal, but rather a supplement. The plant menu must include a variety of products - legumes, whole grains, seeds, nuts and more.

It is recommended to do daily exercises during the regime in order to have a greater effect on the diet. Many nutritionists approve of the flexitarian diet because the diet is balanced and sensible.

Many of them even claim that this is a diet suitable for everyone. Most foods contain a lot of nutrients and few calories - fatty foods and fast food are not recommended.
