Benefits Of Purple Foods

Benefits Of Purple Foods
Benefits Of Purple Foods

Purple foods are with their characteristic color, which is obtained due to the antioxidant anthocyanin.

The group of purple foods includes:

• eggplant

• Red onion

• purple potatoes

• purple grapes

• prunes

• figs and many others.

The benefits of these foods are not to be overlooked. Let's take a look at the most important ones to know what eating a bunch of red grapes or a glass of red wine gives your body.

- take care of heart health - purple foods contain a large amount of photochemicals that protect the heart from cardiovascular disease;

▪ prevent premature aging, reduce the risk of cancer and memory loss;

▪ reduce insomnia, anxiety, signs of depression, so they are an excellent choice for symptoms of autumn depression;

▪ regulate blood pressure;

▪ improve the general condition of hair and nails;

▪ lavender oil, which also belongs to the purple foods, soothes the general condition of the skin, especially that prone to acne;

In addition to all the benefits listed above, c purple foods contain a large amount of vitamins from group B, C and are extremely rich in potassium and calcium.

So do not miss the intake of these foods - add them to your menu, as well as that of your children.
