Three Ideas What To Do With Rhubarb

Three Ideas What To Do With Rhubarb
Three Ideas What To Do With Rhubarb

Rhubarb, which is a type of leafy vegetable and can be found as an equal, has a similar chemical composition as all other leafy vegetables. In appearance it resembles a dock and is found in many places as a wild plant in Bulgaria. Due to its high content of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C and B vitamins, it is considered by experts to be extremely useful and, although neglected by many, should take its rightful place on our table.

Besides salads or just as a spice, you can use rhubarb and for the implementation of more non-standard recipes.

Here are 3 variants of interesting recipes with rhubarb:

Rhubarb compote

Necessary products: 550 g rhubarb, 110 g sugar, 270 ml water, peel of 1 lemon or 1/2 orange.

rhubarb compote
rhubarb compote

Method of preparation: Washed rhubarb stalks are cleaned well and cut into strips. The sugar is boiled together with the water and the grated peel of the citrus fruit is added to it. Put rhubarb in this liquid and boil for a few minutes, being careful not to boil it. The rhubarb compote prepared in this way is put in jars and sterilized.

Rhubarb jam

Necessary products: 12 stalks of rhubarb, sugar, a few vanilla powders.

sweet it rhubarb
sweet it rhubarb

Method of preparation: Rhubarb stalks are cut and boiled until soft. All this is strained, after which the juice is squeezed. Every 9 hours of juice add about 610 g of sugar and a packet of vanilla. During cooking, the foam is constantly removed and the jam is poured into jars only when it becomes slightly transparent in appearance. They close well and turn the caps down until cool.

Rhubarb pudding

Necessary products: 250 ml of fresh milk, 80 g of sugar, 30 g of gelatin, 270 ml of ready rhubarb compote (you can see the first recipe), 1 protein.

Method of preparation: From the milk, sugar and gelatin diluted in a little water, prepare a pudding with constant stirring, being careful not to burn it. Remove from the heat, add rhubarb, which is previously squeezed out of the water and finally decorate with whipped egg whites.
