Apple: Why Is It More Useful Than Superfoods?

Apple: Why Is It More Useful Than Superfoods?
Apple: Why Is It More Useful Than Superfoods?

Ever since it fell on Isaac Newton's head, the apple has proved what it really is: small but powerful. This is also true of its nutritional benefits. It is often underestimated and left in the background in favor of modern superfoods, such as maca, whose even unpopular fruits such as mango, papaya or dragon fruit.

The truth is that the apple can not just be compared to them. It may be much more useful! A recent study proves this. According to him, only two apples a day significantly reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in our body. It is because of it that some of the modern diseases that kill more and more people are caused - atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes.

The study included 40 people who ate two apples a day. Blood tests prove that the level of cholesterol in their blood decreased by 4 percent! The reasons for this benefit are numerous.

First of all, they may be due to the huge amount of fiber in the apple - almost 5 grams per fruit. It is also low in calories - an average apple contains about 70-80 calories, which makes it a perfect afternoon snack or any other snack for the day. Apples also contain almost 90 percent water, 3 grams of protein.

Furthermore apples are a great source of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in antioxidants as well as potassium, which makes it especially good for the heart.


The most important benefit of apples however, it is the pectin contained in them. He is rarely talked about. Pectin is actually a type of fiber that is associated with huge health benefits. It lowers cholesterol levels and is especially useful for diabetics because it maintains optimal blood sugar levels.

These fibers are also good for the heart - it lowers blood pressure, and their regular consumption affects the values only after 7 days. And more - it is good for our digestive system and helps our body absorb optimal amounts of iron. This is what makes apples a particularly useful food for people suffering from anemia.

The apple is one of the most affordable fruits - in our country it costs pennies. It is important to consume at least 1 apple daily. It will provide you with important vitamins, minerals and fiber. And you saw for yourself - the health benefits of the apple a lot. Try them!
