Salmon From Fishponds Contain Toxic Dioxins

Salmon From Fishponds Contain Toxic Dioxins
Salmon From Fishponds Contain Toxic Dioxins

A study by American scientists found that salmon grown artificially contain dioxins and more carcinogens than those grown naturally. 700 fish bought from different places in the world were studied. This high content of dioxins has been found to cause cancer. The most polluted is the one coming from Northern Europe.

It is thought that European salmon from some farms in Scotland and the Faroe Islands, which have the highest levels of contaminants and toxins, may increase the risk of tumors. It is recommended that this type of salmon be eaten at most once every five months.

The reason for this pollution lies in the fact that in the farms this fish feeds on a concentrated mixture of fishmeal and fish oil. By comparison, wild salmon eat completely different fish. Various dioxins and industrial chemicals are deposited in animal fats, which are given to artificially raised fish, and each species accumulates toxins in itself.

In our country salmon is imported mainly from countries such as Finland, Sweden, Latvia and Norway. The study found that fish from the Baltic Sea contained five times more dioxins than the maximum allowable levels. In the Nordic countries this fact is not hidden. There, resellers say salmon may contain toxins. In Bulgaria, however, such information is missing.

Wild salmon get their color from eating small mussels and krill. It has a natural orange color, obtained as a result of carotenoid pigments in meat. The meat of artificially reared fish is white. As this would not attract, but rather repel buyers, it is artificially colored.


The artificial colors astaxanthin E161 and canthaxanthin E161 are added to the fish feed. They are extracted from shrimp flour or extracted chemically. Of course, to obtain this color, fish can be fed dried red yeast, but synthetic mixtures are cheaper.

Artificial salmon has another drawback. Its content of vitamin D is extremely low, as in the kennels it is fed with soy and waterproofed chicken feathers.

Smoked fish is also one of the most harmful ones you can choose from. If left untreated, it can be infected with the listeriosis bacillus, which causes an infectious disease.

Consumption of Atlantic salmon is quite dangerous to health. However, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering allowing the sale of genetically modified salmon. Environmentalists call this GMO salmon Frankenstein.
