Why Are Walnuts A Superfood?

Why Are Walnuts A Superfood?
Why Are Walnuts A Superfood?

Modern trends in healthy eating are increasingly turning to so-called superfoods. The benefits are innumerable and therefore these foods are the basis of any diet, whether for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. What do we call a superfood, which foods fall into this category?

What is a superfood?

The category of super foods includes all foods that contain a large amount of nutrients with beneficial effects, collected in small volumes, easy to absorb by the body and retain the valuable ingredients in themselves in full.

Today, people have easy and immediate access to superfoods. For this reason, following healthy diets is not difficult. All that is needed is to weed out the real authentic superfoods from all those declared as such due to commercial interests.

Why is walnut a superfood?

One of superfoodswhich is grown in our lands is the walnut. From ancient times walnuts are present at the table of the Bulgarian, and in some areas the walnut tree is more common than the fruit trees. Walnut is considered a valuable and sacred tree and it was even forbidden to cut it down. What does the walnut tree owe this high rating to?

nuts nuts
nuts nuts

Walnuts contain invaluable substances for our health. It is food for the brain, nervous system, hair, serves to prevent a number of diseases.

What nutrients and in what quantities do walnuts contain?

• Walnut kernel is among the most valuable. The protein content in it is about 15 percent. Amino acids, cystine and lysine in nuts are in quantities that put them in first place among plant proteins.

• The fat in walnuts is about 64 percent. They contain such fatty acids that cannot be synthesized in the body and play an important role in metabolism. The amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts are higher than any other nut.

• Walnuts also contain about 14 percent carbohydrates, mostly glucose, sucrose, very little starch and cellulose.

• Quantities vitamins in walnuts make it a good source of these nutrients. Nuts contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, folic acid, vitamins of group P, as well as vitamin C, which is in larger quantities in green walnuts. The green skin of the fruit is rich in tannins with bactericidal action.

benefits of walnuts
benefits of walnuts

• Walnuts contain mineral salts - the calcium content affects the growth of the body, bones and blood clotting. Contains magnesium, which supports brain cells, muscles, heart and blood. It also contains phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine.

• Walnut is also rich in trace elements - it contains valuable trace elements such as copper, zinc and iodine. In terms of zinc, walnuts are in the first place in terms of its content, and it is one of the few fruits that contain iodine.

How to store and consume walnuts?

Walnuts are consumed fresh or baked. They are also included in various culinary recipes for dishes or cakes.

To keep them fresh all winter, they should be stored in bags or crates in a dry and ventilated place. Small quantities can be kept at room temperature, and nuts in the refrigerator or freezer.
