White Bread Was Bad For Women

White Bread Was Bad For Women
White Bread Was Bad For Women

We women will obviously have to get rid of pasta and especially white bread. It turns out that they are extremely harmful to women's health, say Italian scientists.

They conducted a large-scale study that covered more than 47,000 men and women. Gluten-rich pasta is quickly absorbed by the body and increases blood glucose levels. Frequent consumption of white bread and various types of pasta doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease in women, the researchers concluded.

Studies have shown that men are not at risk for cardiovascular problems. The harmful effect in women is observed only when consuming white bread, but not when eating whole grains and rye products, which are rich in fiber and fiber, scientists say.


Wholemeal breads are a food that contributes to a better nutritional balance. They provide a significant portion of carbohydrates, fiber, vegetable fats, minerals and vitamins needed by the body. The amino acids in black bread are especially necessary for the body to build its own proteins.

Bread and pasta are foods that are slowly absorbed by the body. They create a feeling of satiety and do not cause a sharp rise or fall in blood sugar levels. Bakery products also contain B vitamins, which support the work of the brain and nervous system. They are also responsible for the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

British nutritionists have found some time ago that the exclusion of gluten-containing products such as wheat, barley and rye from the diet without a medical reason can provoke serious health problems.

Bread is a food that contributes to a better nutritional balance, providing a significant portion of carbohydrates, fiber, vegetable fats, minerals and vitamins needed by the body.
