Limited Intake Of Low Cholesterol Fats

Limited Intake Of Low Cholesterol Fats
Limited Intake Of Low Cholesterol Fats

Many people suffer from high cholesterol levels, so they should follow a diet that excludes cholesterol-rich foods, namely fats. High cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, gangrene of the lower extremities and many other life-threatening consequences.

Here is the time to understand that cholesterol in itself is not harmful, on the contrary. It plays a vital role in the normal functioning of our body. However, it is important to be at normal levels, which means taking up to 300 mg daily.

Here's what it's important to know about the relationship between fat and cholesterol and what foods you should include or exclude in your diet to control cholesterol:

1. In order for cholesterol levels to be normal, you need to reduce the fat in your diet to the smallest possible amount;


2. Compared to other meats, fish has much less fat and has been shown to be beneficial to the health of the human body. Learn to eat fish at least once a week, but choose lighter and lean fish. The omega-3 fatty acids contained in them prevent the development of heart disease and are especially useful for people suffering from diabetes;

3. Avoid consuming mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauces, as well as salad fats;

4. Forget about delicious smoked and melted cheeses, margarine, ready-made sauces, fried and breaded foods, cream and all products containing trans fats;

5. Emphasize the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables, which are best eaten fresh without heat treatment;

6. Do not think that meat is harmful to you - on the contrary. It contains extremely healthy proteins and is a major source of protein. Just choose lean meat without the skin;

7. Suitable meats for people suffering from high cholesterol; are the meat of breast, ham and fillets of turkey, rabbit, chicken and beef. Avoid pork;

8. Consume low-fat products. This means buying milk with no more than 1.5 fat.

9. As useful as nuts such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts, remember that they contain about 50-60% fat, so consume them in limited quantities.
