Six Sources Of Protein For Vegans And Vegetarians

Six Sources Of Protein For Vegans And Vegetarians
Six Sources Of Protein For Vegans And Vegetarians

One of the biggest worries about the vegetarian and vegan diet is related to the reduced amount proteinswhich are accepted. However, experts are adamant that with proper planning with this way of eating can be taken enough vital substances for our body.

Eating protein strengthens muscle mass, makes us feel full for a long time and helps to lose weight.

If you do not want to consume animal products, here are 6 safe the source of vegan proteinwhich will supply you with the required amount of substances.

1. Satan

Six sources of protein for vegans and vegetarians
Six sources of protein for vegans and vegetarians

This food is made from wheat protein. Dough is prepared from the flour and water, and all the starch is washed from it. Among vegetarians and vegans, it is known as "wheat meat". 100 g of site contains 25 g proteins. It is also a good source of selenium, iron and calcium. It can be fried, sauteed and grilled. It is often used instead of meat in some Asian cuisines. If you are intolerant to gluten, the site is not the right food for you.

2. Tofu, tempeh and edamame

All three products are made from soybeans. Soy is well known protein source for veganswhich means that it will give the body the amino acids it needs. Edamame is an unripe soybean that is harvested while the pod is still green. It is consumed steamed or boiled, but can also be eaten raw as an addition to salads and soups.

Tofu is made from soy milk and the process is very similar to making real milk cheese. That's why they call tofu soy cheese. Tempe is made in a similar way - the soybeans are left to ferment and then pressed into a mold. Tofu has almost no taste, but instead quickly absorbs the flavors of the food with which it is prepared. Tempeh has a slight nutty taste.

100 g of edamame, tofu and tempeh contain between 10 and 19 g of protein and are rich in iron and calcium.

3. Lentils

Six sources of protein for vegans and vegetarians
Six sources of protein for vegans and vegetarians

A bowl of lentils of about 300 ml contains 18 g of protein. Boiled lentils can be used for a number of dishes in addition to stews - it is also suitable for salads and soups. It also contains slow carbohydrates and just one bowl of it will guarantee you half your daily fiber intake. It is these fibers that feed the good intestinal bacteria. Lentils are also rich in manganese and iron, and they also contain a good amount of antioxidants. Nutritious and delicious, it is a favorite food from vegans and vegetarians.

4. Chickpeas and beans

Most varieties of beans have high content of vegetable protein. Among them, chickpeas fit perfectly, which is one of the main ingredients used to prepare hummus. Both it and legumes contain about 15 g of protein per serving (about 240 ml). They also contain complex carbohydrates, fiber, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

There are studies that prove that a diet rich in legumes lowers cholesterol levels and helps control blood pressure. This effect is enhanced if you cook beans or chickpeas with a little turmeric.

5. Edible yeast

Six sources of protein for vegans and vegetarians
Six sources of protein for vegans and vegetarians

This is a deactivated product of the traditional yeast with yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is sold everywhere in stores. It has a slight taste of cheese, which makes it very popular with vegans for making mashed potatoes or fried tofu. It can also be sprinkled on spaghetti or other pasta, and even on popcorn for a more interesting taste. Food yeast is high in protein, fiber and Vitamins B and B12.

6. Spelled and teff

They belong to the category of ancient cereals. Spelled is a type of wheat and contains gluten, while teff is made from the stems of African cereals and is gluten-free. Both types make flour, and can also be cooked and used to make dishes such as risotto, soups and stews. There are between 10 and 11 grams in each serving proteins. Spelled and teff are also rich in slowly degradable carbohydrates and fiber. They also contain zinc, selenium and a good amount of B12.
