A Glass Of Wine Strengthens The Immune System

A Glass Of Wine Strengthens The Immune System
A Glass Of Wine Strengthens The Immune System

Experts from the University of California claim that a glass of wine supports the immune system and enhances the effect of vaccines, thus helping your body fight infections faster.

Alcohol is guaranteed to improve blood circulation and your cardiovascular system, as long as it is drunk in moderation.

In the study, American scientists gave alcohol to 12 macaque monkeys to test whether alcohol affects the immune system and routine vaccines.


It turned out that in animals that consumed more alcoholic beverages, the effect of the routine vaccine was visibly stronger.

Despite the positive assessment that scientists give to alcohol, they advise not to overdo it, especially if you have been addicted to alcohol in the past or have alcoholics in the family.

The study also showed that moderate amounts of alcohol led to lower mortality rates.

Associate Professor Irina Haidushka, who is the head of the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at St. George University Hospital in Plovdiv, says that flu and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as runny nose and sore throat, can be prevented by taking vitamin E for 3 consecutive hours. and C.

Red wine
Red wine

Associate Professor Haidushka also adds that warm red wine can also be drunk as an anti-inflammatory agent, as grapes are a strong antioxidant.

"Healthy people who do not often suffer from inflammatory diseases and do not have an autoimmune disease, do not feel permanently tired and sleep deprived or have allergies, can afford some relatively inexpensive drugs without doing special tests on their immune defenses" - said Associate Professor Haidushka.

Red wine also has a powerful bactericidal effect, which protects the digestive system from viral and bacterial infections.

Various microbes that are found in the intestinal tract die as soon as they enter wine, even if it is diluted with water. Half a liter of quality red wine kills 10 million pathogenic bacteria in half an hour.
