Why Eat Raw Eggs?

Why Eat Raw Eggs?
Why Eat Raw Eggs?

The process of cooking eggs destroys many of their benefits, which our organs so desperately need, because the nature of proteins and fats changes when exposed to heat.

When cooked, egg protein changes its chemical form. Often this process can cause allergies. Usually when eating raw eggs any cases of egg allergy will disappear.

Regular consumption of raw eggs will work wonders for your overall health. Extremely easy to digest, they provide a great boost to the immune system and are a perfectly balanced food package. A good immune system is one of the things the body needs to prevent cancer.

Raw eggs have many benefits, they contain essential nutrients for the brain, nerves, glands and hormones, they are balanced by nutritional values and it is highly recommended to add them to your diet. The amino acids in eggs help you stay young and also contain plenty of other vital substances, including protein, essential fatty acids along with niacin, riboflavin, biotin, choline, vitamins A, D and E, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese. iron, iodine, copper, zinc.


Photo: Elena Stefanova Yordanova

Raw egg yolks are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D - 36 percent more than hard-boiled. Such percentage differences are also observed for other nutrients, such as 33 percent more omega-3 or just as much "good" cholesterol in favor of raw eggs.

Raw egg yolks are extremely tender for the digestive system. It is no coincidence that they are one of the first foods offered in the diet of people with intestinal problems. All this does not mean that boiled eggs are completely replaced by raw, but a healthy variety is never superfluous.
