Interesting Facts About Cooking

Interesting Facts About Cooking
Interesting Facts About Cooking

Vegetables that contain vitamin C are not soaked before cooking. After boiling, do not throw away the water in which they were boiled, but use it as a base for soup or sauce.

Use saffron in cooking - it gives a beautiful golden color to any dish. If you want a firm avocado to soften, leave it overnight in a bag of apples. Do not leave a cucumber near apples, because it spoils quickly.

If you feel lethargic and depressed, emphasize the consumption of orange products. He gives cheerfulness and optimism. Eat carrots, oranges, peaches, apricots, melons.

To make the vegetables taste softer and richer, before adding them to a dish, stew them lightly in a little water, not allowing the liquid to boil.


Do not overdo the vinegar in salads, and in tomato salad you can not add it at all. When possible, replace vinegar with lemon.

Excessive seasoning of dishes and salads with vinegar dulls the sensitivity of the tongue and its ability to distinguish individual tastes.

Many years ago, there was a strange custom in Arab countries - if a man refused to make coffee for his wife after asking him to, it was a hint that she should prepare to leave his house.

If you do not have a toothpick on hand to check that the cake or loaf is baked enough, you can use a simple needle.

A well-baked cake pan should not contain a single lump, the dough should be very well kneaded. Different types of countertops must meet different requirements.

The sponge cake should have a fine-porous, elastic structure of the baked dough, the multi-leaf - with thin layers, which are light cream to brown in color.
