The Most Interesting Facts About Vodka

The Most Interesting Facts About Vodka
The Most Interesting Facts About Vodka

Vodka is among the favorite drinks of hard alcohol lovers. Most people know that it is a typical Russian drink that easily leads to intoxication, but only true connoisseurs are aware of the most curious facts about vodka. However, on January 31, Russian vodka celebrates its birthday and on this special occasion we will share some of them.

According to experts, real vodka is the only one produced in Russia, Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. Some tend to include real vodka and that of Finland in the list, but other connoisseurs stubbornly disagree.

Vodka and water are similar not only in color. In fact, the word vodka is used as a diminutive of water.

100 ml of vodka contains 235 calories, and one liter of vodka weighs 953 grams.

The traditional process for making vodka may also include potatoes.

In 2006, a Museum of Vodka was opened in Russia. The place offers its visitors over 50,000 remarkable exhibits telling the story of Russian vodka.

Vodka Museum
Vodka Museum

Vodka is a significant engine in many of the actions of many. However, if you ask the Russians, you will understand that it is to her that their victories on many fronts are due.

In 1885, the normal amount of vodka available on the market was 12.3 liters. There was simply no option for more modest cuts!

Usually the alcohol content in vodka is between 35 and 60 percent.

Many Russians bless vodka, but according to some studies, it is this devil's drink that is responsible for the high mortality rate in Russia.

It is pointless to look for non-alcoholic vodka, because such simply does not exist.

In 1996, the British Mark Dorman produced the world's first black vodka and broke stereotypes.

Like other drinks, vodka can also spoil. Therefore, it is best to consume it within 12 months after the date of manufacture.

Vodka can cause quite a severe hangover, but in fact the consequences after drinking whiskey are worse, scientists reassure.
