How Long To Store The Products In The Freezer

How Long To Store The Products In The Freezer
How Long To Store The Products In The Freezer

Each product we put in the freezer is only usable for a while. Many people make the mistake of keeping packages of meat and vegetables in the freezer for years, unaware that they are no longer edible. Many products spoil or lose their useful nutritional properties after spending more time in the freezer.

Bacon and soft salami are stored in the freezer for no more than two months. Ready-made foods such as moussaka and soups are stored for a maximum of two and a half months.

Ready-made meat dishes can be stored in the freezer for four months, and raw beef and pork - no more than twelve months. Raw minced meat is stored for four months, raw chicken - twelve months.

Raw chicken is stored for nine months and cooked chicken for four months. Raw lamb can stay in the freezer for ten months, uncooked mushrooms - ten months.

How long to store the products in the freezer
How long to store the products in the freezer

Rabbit meat can also stay in the freezer for ten months, and cow butter - for three months. The same period applies to the storage of milk and cream.

Livers, hearts and other offal is recommended to store no more than two months in the freezer. Ham can stand for four months.

How long to store the products in the freezer
How long to store the products in the freezer

Hot-smoked fish can stay for a month, and cold-smoked - fifteen days. Fish should not be stored in the freezer for more than a month if it is fresh, and if it was frozen when you bought it, not more than four months.

Animal fats can stay in the freezer for a year, and margarine - no more than four months. Vegetables can stay for ten months.

After removing the products from the freezer, if they have the so-called ice burns - their edges have a changed structure, just cut them and use them for cooking. If a product smells suspicious after thawing, throw it away.
