Do You Know Why We Celebrate Our Birthdays With A Cake?

Do You Know Why We Celebrate Our Birthdays With A Cake?
Do You Know Why We Celebrate Our Birthdays With A Cake?

Have you ever wondered where a birthday celebration with cake and candles comes from? This question, like many others, is quite controversial and the exact origin of the cake itself has not yet been confirmed.

It is believed that it all began in ancient Egypt, where the Egyptians worshiped their pharaohs as gods and believed that after being crowned, they began a new divine life. In their honor they made sweet breads, with which the rich drew, and at a later stage they began to prepare cakes, which they cut in two.

The search for the answer to this question leads us to Ancient Greece, where birthdays were celebrated only in honor of the richest and most famous people, and the gods.

The ancient Greeks brought special cakes to the temple of Artemis, the goddess of the moon, with whom she was honored and prayed. These cakes resembled moon-shaped tartlets decorated with candles and made from flour, nuts, olive oil and honey.

The candles symbolized the brilliance, light and beauty of the moon, with which they tried to appease the goddess and make her more kind to them.


It is believed that modern birthday cakes have revived in the region of present-day Germany, where in their homes and bakeries people prepared festive bread with honey and dried fruit in the shape of a newborn baby, which was given at weddings and children's birthdays..

Then they began to place the candles, according to the age of the celebrating child. In 1881 the first written document was published, in which it is said that the candles on the cake are lit and burned not in honor of the gods, but for those celebrating their birthday, and their number symbolizes the completed years.

Today's birthday cakes, which are made with cream, chocolate and fruit, have become a favorite in England, where they even hid gifts in the dough, putting jewelry, coins and small jewelry.

Regardless of the centuries and traditions, the birthday cake is known and loved all over the world.
