Traditional Israeli Recipes For Shavuot

Traditional Israeli Recipes For Shavuot
Traditional Israeli Recipes For Shavuot

From a purely documentary point of view, the state of Israel has existed only since 1948, after it was recognized as such by the UN. However, without getting involved in any historical disputes, the facts point to the mention of the name Israel long before that. Jews as a people have a history of over a thousand years, and Jews from over 80 countries live in Israel today.

All that has been said so far has been with the clear idea of guessing not only that the Jews continue to observe their traditions and faith, but also that their cuisine is very diverse. On the one hand, the common traditional table stands out, which must be prepared on Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) or during Easter (Jewish Easter), and on the other - all those individual recipes that at the time the Jews came from completely different habitats have brought with them.

In the following lines, however, we will deal only with the traditional recipes of Israeli cuisine, which are prepare for Shavuot or Pentecost. This is the time when the harvest is celebrated, and Pentecost itself is associated with the exodus of the Jewish people to the Promised Land. No meat is consumed on Shawout, because tradition dictates that only dairy products be consumed.

Here we will show you some traditional recipes from Israeli cuisine, but anything you give to your imagination and is made with cottage cheese or goat cheese would find a place of honor. the table for Shawout.

Stuffed tomatoes for Shawout

Choose 6-7 medium-sized tomatoes, cut them in half and carve them. Separately mix about 250 g of goat cheese, add finely chopped fresh onions and fill the tomatoes with this mixture. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and black pepper and bake for about 30 minutes in a preheated 180 degree oven.

Green salad with pecans

Traditional Israeli recipes for Shavuot
Traditional Israeli recipes for Shavuot

You can use any green salad to make this Easter salad, but it is also important to get nuts known as pecans, as well as dried tomatoes. You can find both in larger stores. We will not teach you how to make lettuce, but it is important to add nuts, tomatoes and of course - some cheese. Preferably goat again. The spices are of your choice.

Stuffed dates and dried apricots

Traditional Israeli recipes for Shavuot
Traditional Israeli recipes for Shavuot


This sumptuous appetizer needs only dried dates, apricots and soft goat cheese. Halve the fruits, fill them with the cheese and bake them for about 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped parsley or thyme.

Cheesecake for Shavuot

Traditional Israeli recipes for Shavuot
Traditional Israeli recipes for Shavuot

Photo: Ivi Vacca

As much as the word doesn't sound Jewish at all, cheesecake with cottage cheese is present on the Jewish table as a festive dessert. Especially for Shavuot. You can prepare it as you wish, but again it is important to use goat cheese (soft), cottage cheese, as well as to decorate the cheesecake mentioned pecans or dates, raspberries. It is still being prepared a table for the Israeli Shavuot, and it is always important to appreciate the different customs and traditions. As well as enjoying the varied cuisine!
