They Created Pigs With A Whiskey Taste

They Created Pigs With A Whiskey Taste
They Created Pigs With A Whiskey Taste

Unusual animal husbandry is practiced in the US state of Iowa. At the insistence of the management of the local rye whiskey factory, the breeding of pigs, whose meat tastes like whiskey, has started, American media report.

Twenty-five animals born about four months ago are involved in the project. Their daily menu is special as it includes fermented rye grains. In this way, the products of their meat will have a specific taste like that of alcohol.

Keith Kerkoff, co-founder of Templeton Rye Distillery, says he finds the new idea extremely good because he says there are many people who like to drink whiskey while eating their favorite pork.

He is convinced that the meat that will be offered to buyers will not need much advertising, as meat distributors "set fire" to the company's phones at the very beginning of the project. Otherwise, the idea itself was born during a drinking party, in which there is nothing surprising.


However, Iowa is not the only place in the world where "exotic" pigs are raised. Just a few months ago, a group of researchers from the Chinese Agricultural University created glowing green pigs.

They were able to obtain this effect after introducing a fluorescent protein isolated from jellyfish DNA into pig embryos. This is how the luminous animals came into the world.

Earlier last year, the first of its kind in the dark, rabbits, were created in our southern neighbor Turkey. Then they set out to create luminous lambs, which their Uruguayan counterparts actually managed to raise. These animals are fluorescent under ultraviolet light.


And although for some people such experiments seem monstrous, scientists justify that these studies will help find cures for many diseases. It is believed that if a way is found to add the necessary genes to the human body, it will be possible to fight various genetic diseases.

According to Dr. Stefan Moiswadi, who works as a biologist at the University of Manoa, the unusual treatment method will be effective for patients with hemophilia.
