Fruits With Gelling Properties

Fruits With Gelling Properties
Fruits With Gelling Properties

Good The fruits have gelling properties and pectin-containing vegetables. Pectin is a substance that is very well absorbed by the body, the harmful substances in it. It has a positive effect on the vital intestinal microflora and helps to purify cholesterol from the blood.

The more pectin contain a fruit, the better gelling properties have.

Gooseberries, blackcurrants and viburnum fruits, quinces, sour apples, oranges, plums, pears, peaches, pumpkins and beets have the best gelling properties.

It's weird to learn, but pumpkin contains pectin in more than in apples and beets.

All types of blueberries and mulberries have slightly lower gelling properties (but still have them).

After them, raspberries and cherries have medium gelling properties.

The gelling properties of are the weakest strawberries and cherries.

You can check what fruit juice has a gelling propertyyou need. Take 2 tbsp. alcohol and add to it 1 tbsp. fruit juice, shake the mixture and see what clots formed. If it is one large, then the juice of the fruit has high gelling properties, if there are two clots, then the juice has medium gelling properties.

If there are many clots, then pectin in the juice is very low and fruit jelly will not be obtained if you do not add additional gelling agents. If there is no sediment at all, then the juice practically no gelling agents.

When preparing fruit and vegetable preparations, you can use them the natural gelling properties.

Prepare a spatula of your favorite fruits, but the most delicious is obtained from apples, plums, peaches and quinces.

Fruit juice is the most useful product made from fresh fruit. They contain large amounts of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.

Syrups are prepared from fresh fruit with the addition of sugar, aromatic substances and citric acid. The sugar in them should not be less than 65%. Properly cooked syrup has the aroma of the fruit from which it is prepared. The most delicious syrups are obtained from cherries, raspberries, cornflowers.
