Cinnamon Protects Us From The Flu

Cinnamon Protects Us From The Flu
Cinnamon Protects Us From The Flu

There are many benefits that this unique southeastern spice can have on the human body and organism. In the coming winter months, the danger of flu and colds can be easily overcome if you add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your daily menu.

In ancient times, cinnamon was studied as a medicine. Some recent studies by nutritionists show that alone or in combination with other foods it helps in the treatment of various diseases.

The reason cinnamon is used as a preventative against colds and flu is related to its positive effect on the immune system.


It is a natural helper in building the body's defenses, which are risky during the winter months. In addition, the Asian spice has a pronounced antioxidant effect.

In minimal quantities, cinnamon oil stimulates blood circulation and nutrition of aging skin cells, improves blood supply to hair roots, strengthens teeth.

The options and the form in which you can combine cinnamon in your daily menu are many. A spoonful of the aromatic spice to your morning coffee or tea will cheer you up and charge you with tone for the whole day.

Sliced or grated apple sprinkled with cinnamon is an excellent option for an afternoon snack. You can add cinnamon to almost all desserts and cakes you make. At the same time, it perfectly replaces sugar, as it has a natural sweet taste.
