Alabash Protects Against Flu And Prostate Cancer

Alabash Protects Against Flu And Prostate Cancer
Alabash Protects Against Flu And Prostate Cancer

Alabash, which is not very popular in our country, looks like a green or purple ball of medium size. The edible part of this autumn vegetable is a thickened stem of a biennial plant.

Although it has been grown in our latitudes for decades, alabaster is not often present on the Bulgarian table. Most people have no idea how to prepare it. It is little known that in addition to its sweet taste, alabash surprises with its rich palette of benefits for the body and human health.

The alabash looks like a turnip, but tastes softer and sweeter. It can be consumed both raw and heat-treated. It is added to salads, dishes, soups, breaded dishes, fried or steamed. When fried, however, its useful ingredients almost disappear and alabaster becomes carcinogenic.

Only 100 g of alabash contains the daily dose of vitamin C. This strengthens the immune system and successfully fights all colds, viruses and flu. Therefore, alabaster is among the most useful foods during the sick winter months.

It also contains vitamins from group B, A, E, D, as well as useful trace elements such as sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, manganese, copper, chromium and iron.

Heads of alabaster
Heads of alabaster

Another function of alabasha is the prevention of prostate cancer as well as kidney problems. In addition to the flu, its intake helps to unclog the airways and cleanse the lungs. Recommended for people with bronchial diseases and smokers.

Alabash is extremely low in calories. In 100 g there are only 25-30 calories and almost no fat and protein. This makes it a perfect diet food.

Alabash can be found in almost every vegetable store. Choose small to medium heads. The leaves should be fresh, without yellowing at the edges.

The flesh must be uncut. If a yellowed core comes out of the cracks, do not buy this vegetable. Alabash is not very durable. Refrigerate for up to several days.
