Foods That Protect Us From Disease

Foods That Protect Us From Disease
Foods That Protect Us From Disease

To protect yourself from disease, you just have to be careful about your diet - there are products that protect against disease.

The risk of chronic diseases can be greatly reduced by regular consumption of certain foods and beverages.

Green tea, which contains powerful antioxidants, reduces the risk of various chronic diseases and early mortality.

Fruits and vegetables also help a lot in this regard - thanks to the strong antioxidants and additional active substances known as polyphenols, they help the body stay young longer and be resistant to disease.


A study of more than 800 Italian citizens over the age of 65 found that people who ate foods with polyphenols and antioxidants were less likely to get sick and died later.

The study found that participants who ingested more than 650 grams of food polyphenols each day were more than 30 percent more resistant to chronic diseases and had a lower mortality rate than those who consumed few polyphenols.

Polyphenols, which also have antioxidant effects, can be found in green tea, coffee, nuts, fruits, grains and vegetables.


Nuts contain a large amount of polyphenols and it is recommended to consume a handful of nuts a day for prophylactic purposes.

Nuts protect against various cardiovascular diseases, as well as their complications. Walnuts and almonds contain a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids, they are also leaders in the amount of polyphenols among nuts.

Raspberries, strawberries and blueberries also help the body stay young longer and be resistant to chronic diseases.

Legumes also help prevent various diseases. Spinach is also one of the foods that protects against early death and chronic diseases.

Use soy products regularly because they protect against a number of diseases. Soy milk and soy sauce, as well as soy cheese - tofu - are recommended to prevent disease.
