Lemon Juice For Weight Loss

Lemon Juice For Weight Loss
Lemon Juice For Weight Loss

It is useful to drink warm water with lemon juice every morning after sleep to stimulate the digestive system. Due to the acidity of lemon juice stimulates gastric juices and improves digestion.

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and is believed to be one of the reasons to lose weight faster.

I recommend that you eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits a day, as they are rich in minerals, fiber, vitamins and nutrients and help to weight loss, as well as for immunity and hormonal balance.

Lemons are a great source of fiber. Add lemon zest to salads, soups, fish and chicken. Lemon peel releases sugar from your blood.

I will offer you two ways in which you can combine lemon with other ingredients for weight loss:

1. Ginger and lemon tea

Lemon juice with ginger
Lemon juice with ginger


juice of one lemon

1 glass of water / about 200ml /

1 tablespoon honey if desired

1 tsp ginger root


Heat the water, then add the lemon juice and ginger.

Leave to soak for a few minutes, add honey and drink on an empty stomach.

It is recommended to drink every day or 3/4 times at least a week.

2. Lemon with olive oil


1 tsp lemon juice

1 tbsp. olive oil


Mix lemon juice and olive oil and drink 30 minutes before breakfast.

Drink every day.
