Let's Lose Weight With Cinnamon

Let's Lose Weight With Cinnamon
Let's Lose Weight With Cinnamon

Studies show that the inclusion of a teaspoon cinnamon in the daily diet can help you lose weight. A teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, added to a glass of boiling water, can also help you lose weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cinnamon is rich in iron, calcium and fiber. It has been used since the Middle Ages as a remedy for diarrhea, indigestion and bloating. On the other hand, it helps prevent the spread of cancer cells, the formation of stomach ulcers and helps treat bacterial infections.

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels along with bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, while not affecting good cholesterol (HDL). Therefore, it is good for the heart. As cinnamon has a sweet taste, it also satisfies the desire for sweet foods.

Cinnamon powder
Cinnamon powder

Cinnamon has a regulatory effect on blood sugar levels and at the same time increases insulin levels in the body. It mimics the biological activity of insulin and increases glucose metabolism. Because high blood sugar levels can increase the body's storage of fat, cinnamon helps prevent this trend by allowing you to lose weight.

In addition, it affects the way sugar is metabolized in the body and prevents it from turning into fat. Cinnamon also slows the passage of food from the stomach into the intestines. Therefore, you feel satisfied for a longer time, but eat less. This helps you lose weight. Cinnamon helps the body process carbohydrates more efficiently - it also helps to lose a few pounds.

In your daily menu cinnamon you can add by drinking herbal tea with an extract of it. Another alternative is to add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal, sprinkle it on your toast or add it to your morning cup of coffee.


The addition of cinnamon to foods such as butter, cheese and pastries, such as peach and apple pie, improves their taste. It can also be added to fruit juices for the same purpose. In addition, making cinnamon capsules is also an easy decision. You can even use cinnamon as a spice for baked potatoes in combination with some other eastern spices.

When you include cinnamon in your diet, you need to make sure it is fresh. However, it alone cannot help you lose weight permanently. For optimal results, a nutritious diet should be included in your weight loss program, as well as regular exercise.

Teaspoon cinnamonAdded to your daily diet can definitely reduce your appetite and help you lose weight.
