The Miraculous Benefits Of St. John's Wort Tea

The Miraculous Benefits Of St. John's Wort Tea
The Miraculous Benefits Of St. John's Wort Tea

St. John's wort is one of the most beloved herbs in our country. It has many applications and even more benefits. The active substances in it fully support the immune system and its ability to fight harmful components and has been shown to improve brain metabolism. Therefore, St. John's wort is used to completely improve concentration and improve mood.

The easiest and simplest form to use the active substances of St. John's wort is in the form of tea. For this purpose, the dried herb harvested at the beginning of its flowering period is used. 6 tsp of the herb soak in 1/2 liter of boiling water and leave for at least 5 minutes under a lid. This preserves the healing essential oils of the plant.

St. John's wort tea is taken to calm the nerves and to relax. It helps to deal with fears on a subconscious level, which are the cause of a number of psychosomatic complaints. In addition, the active substances of the plant have a positive effect on brain metabolism. They have been shown to trigger the production of mood-boosting hormones.

St. John's wort is among the herbs that show their anti-inflammatory properties most actively in the human body. St. John's wort tea accelerates the healing of internal infections, helps with difficulty falling asleep and urinating at night. In addition, the herb relieves menstrual pain and stops menopausal diseases. Recommended for typically female conditions such as headaches and migraines.

St. John's Wort
St. John's Wort

Tannins are found in the composition of St. John's wort, which strengthens the heart muscle. They occur most when the plant is taken in the form of tea. It is extremely effective in the treatment of physiologically conditioned heart failure.

Among other things, it is believed that St. John's wort tea can prevent the development of cancers of any type, but mostly hormonal such as breast cancer. Flavonoids are found in it, which interfere with oxidative processes. In addition, it neutralizes aggressive molecules in the blood that normally destroy the cell structure.
