Children's Cocktail For A Nice Voice

Children's Cocktail For A Nice Voice
Children's Cocktail For A Nice Voice

Russian singers have long been pampered with egg punch, a favorite of children. It is known that the great bass Fyodor Chaliapin regularly lubricated his voice with a delicious mix of eggs and sugar. To this day, the drink is used for voice loss and colds.

It is known all over the world by the German name Kuddel-muddel and according to legend it was invented by the famous chef Manfred Kekenbauer while inventing various ways of preserving products.

The only thing that is contraindicated in this drink is to give it to children with egg allergies.

Because the main thing it is made of is eggs. According to the classic recipe, the yolks are mixed with sugar to taste until they turn white, then pureed fruits or fruit juices are added, the whipped egg whites are added and the mixture is mixed lightly until it becomes homogeneous.

As an addition to the magic drink can be used different types of alcohol, lemon, wine.

Egg punch
Egg punch

However, since there is a risk that raw eggs are carriers of salmonella, it is better to try the Dutch version of the drink, known as "Lawyer". Beat the yolks with salt and sugar to taste until white and add cognac to them - as much as you want.

The mixture is placed in a water bath and stirred until very warm. However, it should not boil. After removing from the heat, add a little vanilla and garnish with whipped cream. Thus, the drink becomes a dessert that is eaten with a spoon.

If you have a sore throat, a copper version of egg punch will help. Beat the yolks, add two teaspoons of boiling milk and six tablespoons of honey, add a little lemon juice and warm slightly. Drink on an empty stomach for faster effect.
