Apricots For Cough And Shortness Of Breath

Apricots For Cough And Shortness Of Breath
Apricots For Cough And Shortness Of Breath

It turns out that apricots, in addition to being a very tasty and juicy fruit, are also very useful. They have a history of over 8,000 years, and although they are mentioned in written sources only about 4,000 years ago by the Chinese, Armenia is mentioned as their homeland.

An interesting fact is that dried apricots are considered much more useful than fresh ones. And apricot kernels are used to prepare a decoction that has proven its effectiveness for shortness of breath or persistent cough.

All you need to do is crush the nuts, peel them and leave them to dry in the sun or in the oven / dryer, in case you want to use them immediately.

When they are ready, grind them to a powder and add 1 tsp. from them to your favorite tea or milk. Drink 1 cup of this medicinal decoction 3-4 times a day and you will quickly forget about shortness of breath and cough.

The above method for the use of apricot kernels is very suitable in the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis. Also, don't think that only apricot kernels will be yours benefit for cough or shortness of breath.

Yes, this is the most effective method of applying apricots in this regard, but they are very useful both raw and dried. Our only advice is to consume fresh apricots only when they are in season, namely summer time. Good therapeutic effect for coughs and shortness of breath they also have apricot jam, apricot compote, which are home-made.


Even if you find fresh apricots in retail chains in the fall, winter and spring, they will have lost much of their nutrients due to their treatment in order to be suitable for import.

And do you remember the people known as the Hunza, who inhabit North Pakistan and who are said to be one of the longest-lived peoples? A nation that, despite its remoteness from any civilization, does not even know what a heart attack, hypertension, cancer or gout is?

A nation that is famous for its perfect eyesight, which remains so even among centenarians. It is assumed that this is due to the daily consumption of apricotswhich are taken in any form - raw, dried, juice, compote, etc.

Perhaps this is the real proof of the healing properties of apricots, and not only against shortness of breath and cough. In this fruit probably lies the key to longevity.

And it is maintained if you regularly eat something tasty that brings you pleasure. Our recipes for apricot cakes and apricot desserts are the most suitable for this purpose.
