Are The Little Things Useful?

Are The Little Things Useful?
Are The Little Things Useful?

Heart in butter, breaded brain, stewed livers - just by mentioning these dishes, most people fall into sweet dreams about the taste of the little things.

Some people think that trifles are useful food, others consider them harmful. The liver, for example, has been revered by the ancient Egyptians. The liver is a champion in terms of easily digestible iron content.

It contains the beneficial vitamin B12 for the blood, as well as other B vitamins, as well as vitamin A and useful minerals.

The liver is recommended for the prevention of thrombosis because it contains heparin - a substance that reduces blood clotting.

The kidneys are full of B vitamins and contain iron, but less than the liver. Animal hearts are rich in protein and vitamins.

Ears, tails and legs, which gel the broth, contain collagen and elastin, which turn into gelatin during heat treatment. But these by-products do not contain enough protein.

Fried Liver
Fried Liver

The brain contains lecithin, choline and phosphorus, but it also contains cholesterol, which is not good, especially for the elderly.

Dishes of trifles are useful, but only if you do not overdo them. In gout, they are completely forbidden.

It is recommended that the consumption of the liver should not be more than twice a week, of the kidneys - once a week. Despite the opinion that some by-products increase male potency, it turns out that they actually contain a lot of female hormones.

Some people believe that when an animal dies, it releases a large amount of adrenaline, so a person who eats a meal of trifles can become aggressive.

This is not true at all, as adrenaline is completely destroyed by heat treatment, so there is no cause for concern.

However, remember that delicious trifles should not be overdone and they should not be present in your daily menu.

Here are some delicious recipes with trifles.
