There Is No Useful Amount Of Alcohol

There Is No Useful Amount Of Alcohol
There Is No Useful Amount Of Alcohol

One glass of wine a day is useful! - This is the myth that will go down in history as completely shattered. According to experts, it does not exist amount of alcoholwhich can be useful. This is reported in a large-scale study on the effects of alcohol on human health.

There is no useful alcohol. It is highly toxic to the cells of the body and its regular intake is associated with more health risks than you think. One glass of alcohol a day can protect against heart disease, but increases the risk of cancer and other diseases.

The study was conducted over a period of 26 years (1990 - 2016) in a total of 195 countries. The people who took part in it are 15 to 95 years old. The method included a comparison between those who drank one cup a day and those who drank at all do not drink alcohol.


According to experts, it is this study that puts an end to misconceptions about the beneficial effects of alcohol. Regular intake, even in small amounts, can seriously damage the liver and brain. Alcohol also increases the risk of inflammation of the pancreas and gastric mucosa.

The study also provides data on diseases that are directly or indirectly related to alcohol. 2.8 million of the world's population dies each year. Of these, just over 2% are women and 7% are men. According to the study, ladies in Ukraine and gentlemen in Romania most often raise a toast.

Doctors recommend that healthy men do not drink more than half a liter of beer a day, and women - half that amount. Of course, at least three days a week should not be taken no alcohol.

Effect of alcohol on the liver
Effect of alcohol on the liver

Keep in mind that alcohol abuse can lead to high blood pressure, obesity, heart muscle weakness and even sudden cardiac death.

Alcoholism is the other risk factor. No one realizes and cannot admit that he is addicted to alcohol unless he seeks help from a specialist. Numerous car accidents recently are also the result of the presence of alcohol in the blood.
