There Will Now Be A Minimum Price For Alcohol In Scotland

There Will Now Be A Minimum Price For Alcohol In Scotland
There Will Now Be A Minimum Price For Alcohol In Scotland

Scotland is the first country in the world to introduce a minimum price for alcoholic beverages by law. Traders who offer alcohol at lower values than officially announced will be penalized.

The decision comes after a five-year legal battle between the country's government and the Association of Scottish Whiskey Producers (SWA) and other alcohol producers.

According to the new proposal, the minimum price of alcohol will be 50 pennies. This means that 4 cans of 440 milliliters of beer with a 5% alcohol content cannot be sold for less than £ 4.40.

A bottle of wine with 12% alcohol content should not be priced below 4.50 pounds, and a bottle of whiskey of 700 milliliters will be sold for at least 14 pounds under the new law.


This price threshold is introduced to limit sales of substandard alcohol, which is harmful to human health.

According to the court, increasing the price of alcohol through excise duty or by increasing VAT will not be as effective as attacking cheap alcohol.

The Scottish government and alcohol producers in the country have been arguing on this issue for 5 years. The Scottish Producers' Association argued that this policy was disproportionate to European law.

They appealed to the Supreme Court in Britain, but it was rejected, writes The Independent.
