

Bourbon / Bourban / is a type of American whiskey that is popular in many parts of the world. It has an amber color and a sweet note. In particular, bourbon is a distilled alcoholic beverage that requires mostly corn kernels. The name of the drink comes from the place where it is first produced. This is the municipality of Bourbon, located in the state of Kentucky.

Bourbon production

This type of alcohol is distilled from a grain mixture. As the corn content must be at least 51 percent. In fact, this is the reason for its specific taste. Bourbon matures in smoky oak barrels. Another interesting detail about bourbon is that the use of any colors is not allowed, ie the drink must be completely natural and not contain any ingredients that would in any way change its initial emphasis.

The bourbon must mature for at least two years to fall into the Straight Bourbon category. Quality brands usually offer alcohol that has matured for at least four years. However, there are those who offer cheap products that have matured even less. An interesting type of bourbon is the so-called Sour Mash, which is distinguished by its pronounced salty taste. It is also characterized by a slightly sour note. This type is obtained thanks to a special acid that is used in its preparation.

Bourbon story

The bourbon has a long history. It all began in the eighteenth century, when settlers from Scotland and Ireland opposed alcohol taxes in the United States. The initiators of the uprising were captured, but President George Washington decided to pardon them. The rebels, who actively trade in spirits, settled in Kentucky, where they were offered land. Among the areas provided to them is Bourbon, where the production of American whiskey started.

American whiskey
American whiskey

Thanks to the Ohio River Port, the drink is distributed in other parts of the United States. A prerequisite for bourbon is that it be made in the United States. If a drink is prepared on the same principle, but outside America, it has no right to bear that name. On May 4, 1964, bourbon was declared a distinctive product of the United States. There are already Federal Bourbon Identity Standards.

Bourbon composition

Bourbon is a source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin PP, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, mono- and disaccharides and other substances.

Storage and serving of bourbon

According to experts, bourbon is a drink for true connoisseurs and everyone should enjoy it as they see fit. However, some lovers of American whiskey point out that the longer-aged bourbon is recommended to be served after a meal, as it has a positive effect on digestion.

Everyone must decide for themselves whether to consume it in its pure form. It is also a matter of choice whether to add ice cubes or dilute it with carbonated water or another soft drink. Bourbon can also be mixed with some liqueur. According to avid fans, it should be poured into a clear glass, which has the shape of a cylinder.

Fill only 1/3 of the cup. Bourbon is drunk slowly and in small sips, so that you can fully feel its charm. Before drinking, true lovers smell it, as they like to enjoy its incredible scent.

Some experts believe that bourbon should not be refrigerated but stored at room temperature. If you still decide to eat while drinking bourbon, you can bet on smoked fish or oysters, but of course you can choose a supplement according to your own preferences. An obligatory condition for the consumption of bourbon is still pleasant company.


Bourbon in cooking

Over time, bourbon is increasingly entering the culinary world. Corn cocktails are among the favorites of both ladies and gentlemen. Bourbon is successfully mixed with mint, soda, various types of liqueur. Fruit flavors can be added to it. In fact, in recent years, bourbon has proven to be a significant ingredient not only in cocktails but also in some culinary specialties. Experienced chefs use it to flavor pork chops, fish fillets and chicken steaks. It is also used to season fresh salads and appetizing desserts.

Benefits of bourbon

Moderate consumption of quality bourbon there are a number of benefits for the human body. This is largely due to the corn contained in the drink. This type of alcohol is a source of antioxidants that have a good effect on our body. Drinking bourbon, of course in small doses, lowers blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. At the same time, its moderate consumption reduces the risk of stroke and cardiovascular problems.

Often bourbon is part of some treatment mixtures that help with tachycardia, blood pressure problems and poor sleep. Corn drink helps people with gastrointestinal complaints. On the other hand, the consumption of this drink relieves nervous tension and relaxes. Moderate bourbon intake also has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder. It works well for physical and mental fatigue.

Harm from bourbon

Although bourbon has positive properties, like any alcohol, it can be very dangerous. Frequent and unreasonable consumption of corn drink can cause alcohol poisoning. Consumption of bourbon should be avoided by pregnant women and nursing mothers. People suffering from serious diseases should also be careful with the use of this alcoholic beverage.