Native Sausages, Filled With Plastic, Explode When Cooked

Native Sausages, Filled With Plastic, Explode When Cooked
Native Sausages, Filled With Plastic, Explode When Cooked

One of the best kept secrets of meat producers is what sausages are actually made of. In theory, they are a porridge of minced meat, minced bones, hides, soy, collagen, bacon, various leavening agents, nitrites, salt and others. fillers.

But more and more housewives are noticing that when cooked, they make strange noises and literally explode.

This fact, along with the information that nearly 85 percent of the meat on the Bulgarian market is actually imported, again raises the question of what the natives are made of. sausages and other by-products such as kebabs and meatballs.

Sausages should contain between 20 and 60 percent meat, and in Bulgaria usually only 25 percent of the content of sausages is meat.

The remaining 75 percent are various leavening agents, sealants and water, and the water content of some brands can reach 70 percent.

Roasted Sausages
Roasted Sausages

To preserve their shape and consistency, the sausages are stuffed with sealants. It is these seals that make strange noises during heat treatment. They have the ability to absorb water, so cooked sausages swell to unsuspected sizes.

A culinary experiment conducted by Chef Petrov demonstrates exactly how these fillers retain water in products. In a report on TV7 TV, the master chef baked sausages and kebabs in front of the viewers, which he measured before and after the heat treatment.

Surprisingly, a sausage weighing 85 g loses only 4 grams when baked. The difference between raw and baked kebabs is 10 years or 30 percent within the normal heat treatment (roasting or frying).

According to Chief Petrov, it's like the sausage is made of plastic. It's normal for a food to contain fat and water and be lost during baking.

With sausages, it's like putting plastic in and taking out plastic. This means that we eat plastic and our body processes plastic.

The experiment again raises the question of what exactly is used in home-made sausages in order not to lose weight during heat treatment, as it should be.
