

Pistachios / Pistacia vera / is a low shrubby tree that is characteristic of the mountainous regions of Western Afghanistan, Iran and Turkmenistan. Pistachio is one of the most ancient nuts known in human history. The first information about them was found in Syria and Iran, then in Greece and other European countries.

Today pistachios are grown in Greece, Spain, Italy, Iran, USA, Turkey, Asia, Australia. Approximately half of the world's production on the market comes from Turkey.

The tree reaches a height of 10 meters. This is a desert plant that is characterized by its high tolerance to saline soils. It is also resistant to temperature fluctuations. The fruit is a hard whitish stone that contains an edible elongated nut. The nut has a pale purple outer skin and light green flesh.

Pistachio accumulates in clusters on the tree. When the fruit ripens, the shell of the nut cracks with a characteristic sound. Pistachio is harvested at night, because during the day the tree releases essential oils, which cause dizziness. Every two years, the tree produces an average of about 50 kg of nuts.

Composition of pistachios

Fresh pistachios
Fresh pistachios

According to a number of experts, pistachios are the most caloric compared to other nuts. It is high in vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Nuts contain 55-60% fat, among which unsaturated fatty acids predominate and between 18-25% protein. Pistachio is extremely rich in vitamin E - a strong natural antioxidant.

Pistachio is a very good source of phosphorus and vitamin B1. The content of vitamin B6 in pistachios is the same as in beef liver. Pistachio belongs to the group of products with the highest antioxidant value. These are the only nuts of their kind that have a large amount of lutein and zeaxanthin - substances that improve vision.

Selection and storage of pistachios

Buy only well-packaged nuts, on the packaging of which there is a clearly mentioned manufacturer and expiration date. Like all other nuts, pistachios require proper storage.

Due to the high amount of fat in nuts, any overheating is a prerequisite for their rancidity and fungal development. Store pistachios in a cool and ventilated place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Some chefs even recommend after unpacking pistachios, store it in the refrigerator.

Never buy peeled nuts, because they quickly lose their taste, get wet and even rancid. In addition to the unpleasant taste that occurs, it is possible to develop food poisoning, which is very dangerous. Avoid eating nuts that have a changed taste - bitter or sour, as well as those with poor appearance, traces of mold and moisture.

Pistachio in cooking

In cooking pistachios used for more than 2500 years. In the ancient East, for example, it was considered a symbol of wealth and success. Today around the world, dishes with pistachios are considered elite. In Stockholm, for example, Nobel laureates are treated to pistachio ice cream.

The oil extracted from these nuts is one of the healthiest oils in cooking. It has a very pleasant aroma and taste, it is believed to have very good soothing properties. In addition to cooking, pistachio oil can be used for massages, aromatherapy and cosmetics.

Pistachio used to prepare non-traditional dishes and unusual taste combinations. Used for making confectionery, ice cream and other food products.

Pistachio cake
Pistachio cake

It is added to chocolates and candies. Pistachio enriches the taste of chicken and pork, ducks, cream soups. Pistachio in ground form is added to cakes, pastries, creams and meat dishes. The elite restaurants with champagne or fresh dessert wines offer roasted pistachios in lemon juice.

Benefits of pistachios

Due to its high nutritional value, pistachios are recommended to restore depleted organisms. Nuts are useful for strong mental and physical stress because they eliminate fatigue and improve self-esteem. Pistachio has an extremely beneficial effect on the brain.

Improves the work of the cardiovascular system, eliminates heartbeat, reduces the predisposition to heart disease. With regular consumption of pistachios improves liver function. Pistachio helps to cure jaundice, eliminates stomach and liver colic, treats anemia and enhances potency. It is useful in diseases of the respiratory system.

It is generally believed that cholesterol levels are maintained at normal levels with diets or various medications. Experimental studies have shown that pistachios are seven times more effective than traditional remedies.

Pistachio is very useful in people with diabetes, according to a recent study. When pistachios are consumed with high-carbohydrate foods, the former slow down the rate of carbohydrate absorption, which can lead to lower blood sugar levels.

Another study proves that the consumption of 50-100 g pistachios daily lowers blood pressure in a state of stress. Lowering blood pressure is associated with a reduced risk of stroke or cardiovascular disease. Daily consumption of pistachios can reduce chronic inflammation, which in turn reduces the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

It turns out that pistachios significantly improve performance with the bed. It is believed that the nut is extremely useful in men with erectile dysfunction and only after 2-3 weeks of intake the problems in this area decrease.

Benefits of pistachios
Benefits of pistachios

Pistachio is extremely useful and when following a diet. It has the highest fiber content of all nuts. Regular consumption of fiber helps to lose weight and control blood sugar. Fiber, on the other hand, helps lower cholesterol and maintain proper bowel function. Protect from constipation and regulate digestion.

The high content of vitamin E in nuts makes them an excellent food for maintaining youth and beauty of the skin. The vitamin also absorbs free radicals, which cause premature aging. They are also a source of gamma tocopherol - an important fat-soluble antioxidant that maintains the strength of cell membranes of mucous membranes and skin.

Experts recommend consuming these nuts for fatigue and to restore an exhausted body. They are useful for both physical and mental stress. If you have a busy day ahead of you or need to prepare for an exam, a handful of pistachios will help to tone the brain and improve concentration. After only 20 minutes, the miraculous effect of these delicious nuts is noticeable.

As pistachios contain large amounts of folic acid and biotin, they can be eaten at bedtime. They help with poor sleep, sleep problems and waking up at night. They give a feeling of satiety and significantly improve the quality of sleep. Of course, to get the most out of them, you need to eat them raw, because roasted nuts with a lot of salt are not so useful and can even be harmful.

Harm from pistachios

Although very useful, pistachios can cause dangerous reactions in people with allergies. It is one of the most allergenic nuts, so be careful with its consumption if you are prone to such conditions. On the other hand, even if you do not have allergies, pistachios are very salty, which also makes it harmful in some groups of people. High amounts of salt can cause high blood pressure, nausea and dizziness. Do not overdo it with these nuts, because although they are low in calories, the salt in them is harmful.
