Popular Seafood Specialties From Around The World

Popular Seafood Specialties From Around The World
Popular Seafood Specialties From Around The World

Fish and seafood are among the most useful, popular and exquisite dishes you can order when you go to a chic restaurant. However, it is good to know what are the traditional fish and seafood delicacies for different countries. This way you will know what to emphasize if you decide to travel to a destination. Here are some of the most popular seafood specialties on different continents:

- Salmon is undoubtedly in the ranking of the most delicious and exquisite fish in the world. Much of it can be caught in the seas and oceans around Canada, Norway, Finland, Sweden, etc.;

- Sturgeon is another popular seafood specialty. It is appreciated by many lovers of fish and seafood. However, in most countries, its catch is banned as its population is declining alarmingly. There is still a great abundance of sturgeon in Russia, and caviar is revered as gold;

- For Spain, the preparation of river and sea fish has become an art. Those caught in their national waters are mostly bonito and anchovies, tuna and sardines. Eels that travel from the Atlantic to Europe via the Gulf Stream are considered a real delicacy in the Basque Country;


- When we talk about seafood specialties, there is no way not to mention sushi, which has become a traditional dish in Japan and has become popular around the world. It is a raw fish prepared in a special way, and sushi dishes are considered one of the healthiest;

- Along with sushi, Japan is also known for the preparation of the poisonous fish Fugu, whose poison is present in almost all its parts. In the Land of the Rising Sun, the people who have the right to process this species of fish are called nagakai and have a special certificate to prove that they have the right to process the instantaneous death of the fugu fish, also known as the balloon fish;


- In Chinese cuisine, the use of all kinds of seafood and seaweed is widespread. Especially popular are dishes prepared with shrimp and mussels. Unlike most kitchens, however, most of them are pre-dried and then used for culinary purposes. This gives it a distinctive Chinese flavor that anyone can easily recognize.

- Many believe that the best trout lives around Canada, but in fact it is very tasty and the typical Balkan trout, which can be prepared in various ways.
