Vitamin Sprouts - How To Grow Them At Home?

Vitamin Sprouts - How To Grow Them At Home?
Vitamin Sprouts - How To Grow Them At Home?

Sprouts contain a large amount of protein, vitamins, minerals and cellulose.

They are extremely useful for the body, especially during the winter. The sprouts are not only useful, but also very tasty. Reminiscent of the taste of fresh peas and walnuts.

Sprouts can be used in salads, sandwiches, vegetable dishes. The sprouts of the seeds of peas, alfalfa, beans, lentils, basil, beets, mustard, onions, radishes, sunflowers, wheat are used.

To grow sprouts at home, you need to buy seeds from specialty stores or garden centers.

The process of seed germination is very easy and fast. It only takes 3 to 8 days, depending on the type of seeds and the stage at which you want to consume them.

You need to get a wide bowl or cup, fill 1/3 with seeds and pour warm water for a few hours.

Pour the water through gauze and place the container in a dark place. Twice a day, wash the seeds with warm water and strain through gauze.

After 2-3 days, tiny white roots will appear, and then pale green stalks.

It is already necessary to place the dish in a bright place to turn a deep green color.

When the stalks reach 3-5 cm, they are ready for consumption. You can also use them at the stage of the appearance of white roots.
