Diet With Tangerines

Diet With Tangerines
Diet With Tangerines

Juicy and sweet tangerines can help fight weight. In addition to sculpting the figure, orange fruits will supply a lot of vitamin C to the body. There are several different ones diets with tangerines.

One option is to make an unloading regime - the problem here is that with such a strict diet it is desirable to be at home. It's a day or two of eating only the orange fruit and drinking plenty of fluids. This can be water or green tea.

If this seems too much of a restriction to the body, you have obviously not heard of the two-week diet, which includes only six proteins and six tangerines a day. Even if you lose weight, imagine what you are doing to your body.

Two weeks is too much time for this restrictive regime. Instead of going to extremes and giving up food, try to regulate your diet.

A much better idea is a ten-day diet that allows foods other than fragrant and juicy tangerines. According to some information, following the regimen will make you about seven pounds thinner. Of course, it all depends on what your current condition is and whether you actually need to lose weight.


Let's go back to the diet - for breakfast you can eat a tangerine and drink a cup of green tea. Lack of coffee is not so scary, because as you know, green tea also has an invigorating effect. Before lunch it is recommended to eat three tangerines and one boiled egg.

The combination of boiled chicken (not more than 150 g) and one tangerine are provided for lunch. It is good to drink a cup of tea.

Dinner may include a bowl of vegetable soup, boiled fish and another tangerine for splendor. The interesting thing about this regime is that it is recommended to eat something before going to bed - a little yogurt or a glass of kefir.

The diet is not effective for everyone - it is not recommended for people who have stomach problems. Follow a diet after the mandarin diet.

After ten days, you can continue to eat tangerines, but do not do the regime longer than described.
