These Are The 10 Healthiest Winter Vegetables

These Are The 10 Healthiest Winter Vegetables
These Are The 10 Healthiest Winter Vegetables

In the spring and summer you can eat whatever vegetables want. In winter, however, the situation becomes a little more complicated. Not all vegetables manage to survive, retaining their taste during the cold months.

Fortunately, there is a group called winter vegetables, which grow even in harsh temperatures. They are not even afraid of the snow cover. They survive because of the higher sugar content, which allows them to freeze only at extremely low temperatures.

Here they are winter vegetables, which you can consume even in the coldest months and which will make your menu more varied and healthier.

1. Kale - a green leafy vegetable from the family of Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale and cauliflower. Very tasty vegetable, which is a great winter addition to any dish, with an impressive content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


2. Brussels sprouts - a vegetable rich in nutrients and especially vitamin K. It contains a special antioxidant that helps with diabetes.

3. Carrots - extremely useful vegetable that grows in winter and overflow with useful substances. It is known for its content of vitamin A and strong antioxidants, which are used as a preventive measure against breast cancer and prostate cancer.

4. Leafy beets - a vegetable with few calories and high in vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants, which are present in its composition, help reduce the risk of heart disease.


5. Parsnip - a vegetable rich in healthy nutrients, full of an impressive amount of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on health and reduces the risk of heart disease and breast cancer.

6. Spinach - has a slightly bitter taste, but is full of vitamins, calcium and many other useful substances that strengthen bones. Undoubtedly one of the healthiest vegetables that must be present in your menu.


7. Yellow radish - a vegetable rich in vitamin C and potassium, and as we know its intake is important for lowering blood pressure. Consumption of turnips is also used as a preventive measure against heart disease.

8. Red cabbage - a plant high in vitamins and substances that reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers.

Red cabbage
Red cabbage

9. Radishes - delicious, fresh and useful. They are rich in vitamins B and C, as well as potassium. They are good allies in the fight against cancer.

10. Parsley - a plant that we usually see on salads and appetizers. Extremely useful, rich in substances that stimulate brain activity.
