

Doves (Russula) are a genus of basidiomycetes that belong to the family Russulaceae. It includes hundreds of species distributed in many parts of the world. The representatives of the genus are distinguished by their strongly colored fruiting bodies. They also have whitish plates. Their flesh is relatively tender and can be easily broken. The stump is well defined, colored in white. It is the same length everywhere.

Types of pigeons

Representatives of the genus dove are common in native forests. Undoubtedly the most common among them is the so-called green dove / Russula virescens /. It is preferred by fungi because it can be easily recognized. It features a fleshy cap. At first it looks like a hemisphere, but then it becomes flat. The flesh of the mushroom is covered with gray-green or greenish skin, which is difficult to remove. As the fungus begins to age, the cap acquires yellowish spots. The stump in this species is white, reaching up to ten centimeters.

Collecting and storing a dove

Picking mushrooms is a great joy for any avid mushroom picker. However, when you do not have enough experience, you should not undertake such an endeavor without an authoritative companion. Dove is picked only from old fungi, as there is a danger of being mistaken for its inedible counterparts. For example, instead of / Russula virescens / Amanita phalloides, known as poisonous green fly agaric, can be plucked.

The green one dove is distributed in deciduous forests. It is found around beeches and oaks. It can also be found around birches. It often grows in the shade of roadside bushes. Both single pieces and groups of mushrooms can be found. The dove can be found in shady places from July to September. It is distinguished by the dark spots on its cap.

Dried dove
Dried dove

When picking different types of mushrooms, never put everything you find in one container. It is better to prepare several dishes where to put the mushrooms. This measure is taken because in the event of the presence of a poisonous sponge, it is necessary to discard all others who have touched it.

Otherwise collected green dove has a pleasant-tasting meat. A positive feature of this species is that it can be stored fresh longer than other species. However, for this purpose it should be kept in a dark, dry and cool place.

Cooking a dove

The meat of edible pigeons is appetizing. Of course, in different varieties it can vary in color and smell. In general, however, it has its unobtrusive taste and pleasant aroma and is suitable for a number of specialties. To be sure that you will prepare your pigeons in the best possible way, you need to consider some basic subtleties.

It is good to subject the pigeons to a light heat treatment before including them in a dish. You can boil them in salted water for twenty minutes. Some chefs use a different approach - soak them in cold water for several hours. Otherwise, pigeons are very suitable for fried or baked dishes.

From dove soup can also be prepared, but care must be taken, as in some species a bitter note appears, which is felt in such a dish. In the vegetarian cuisine, pigeons are used to make unique steaks, for which purpose mushrooms with larger caps are chosen, which are grilled whole. Then season with cumin, rosemary, coriander and impose with onion rings.

Cooking a dove
Cooking a dove

Pigeons combine well with all kinds of vegetables, sour cream, onions. In some specialties they are mixed with other types of mushrooms. Season with dill, parsley, garlic, lemon juice, paprika, fenugreek, savory and more. They can be used to make salads, snacks and fillings for all kinds of pasta.

We offer you a recipe with soup from dovewhich is very fragrant and nutritious.

Required products: 600 g dove, 3 potatoes, 2 carrots, 1 onion, red pepper, salt, bay leaf, cumin, olive oil, curry

Method of preparation: Clean and wash the mushrooms, then leave them in cold water for a few hours. Then cut them into small pieces. Peel and chop onions, carrots and potatoes. In a saucepan, sauté the onion and add the mushrooms to it.

Pour the products with a few glasses of warm water and add the potatoes and carrots. Add the spices and leave the soup on the fire until the products soften. If desired, sprinkle with chopped dill or parsley.

Benefits of a dove

Like all mushrooms, so edible dove is very useful for our body. These mushrooms are a source of fatty acids, proteins and mono- and disaccharides. They also contain useful elements such as magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus. Eating pigeons can help us get the important vitamins E, C, B and PP.

According to experts, the consumption of this type of mushroom is good for people who have problems with the digestive tract. They are especially useful for those who are actively struggling with excess weight, as they are nutritious and at the same time low in calories.