Chameleon Sponge

Chameleon Sponge
Chameleon Sponge

The chameleon sponge (Laccaria laccata) is a species of basidiomycete that is suitable for consumption. It is distributed mainly in North America and Europe. It is also found in Mexico and Costa Rica. It belongs to the genus Laccaria and the family Hydnangiaceae.

In English-speaking countries, it is known as the deceiver and waxy laccaria. In France it is known as Laccaire laqué, and in Germany it is called Rötliche Lacktrichterling and Rote Lackpilz. In Russia, the chameleon mushroom is called Lakovitsa lakovaya.

The chameleon sponge has external features that make it easily noticeable. First of all, the shape of its Google is impressive - it is hemispherical. Its diameter usually reaches a maximum of six centimeters. As with other species, over time the swing spreads and becomes almost flat. The difference with Laccaria laccata, however, is that with age in the middle of the cap there is something like sinking inward.

This part of the sponge is colored in pink to brown. There are specimens colored reddish and rusty. Some also have a purple tinge. In young mushrooms the surface is smooth and bare, and in adults it is covered with scales. At first the edge of the chameleon sponge is folded in the direction of the stump, but later stands up.

Laccaria laccata has thin and soft flesh. It is also elastic and juicy. It is painted in the same tones as the hood. The meat is pleasant to the taste, with a tempting mushroom aroma. This makes these mushrooms a preferred product in cooking.

In this type of sponge, the plates are not particularly dense. They are thick and after the spores mature, a powdery deposit accumulates on them. As for the spores of the chameleon fungus - they are rounded, equipped with formations resembling thorns.

They are covered with whitish spore pollen. The stump of Laccaria laccata is between five and ten centimeters high. It has the shape of a cylinder and is painted in the same colors as the cap of the respective sponge. The stump is dense, with a tough texture. It has a fibrous surface.

Collect a chameleon sponge

Mushroom picking is an interesting and exciting activity that brings great pleasure to mushroom pickers, but let's not forget that it should be done only in the presence of experienced connoisseurs. Otherwise, there is always a risk of tearing off an inedible fungus, which in turn can lead to serious health consequences.

If you are convinced of your skills, you can safely go in search of the chameleon sponge. Experienced fungi will immediately realize that it is found in deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as in mixed.

It should be sought mostly among shrubs, but it is possible to have specimens of the species in lush pastures or forest meadows. The presence of Laccaria laccata should be monitored in both summer and autumn. The characteristic of this type of sponge is that it changes its colors depending on the weather.

Chameleon sponge
Chameleon sponge

However, the nuance of the slats remains unchanged. It is accepted that they are the hallmark of the chameleon sponge. The amethyst chameleon fungus / Laccaria amethystina /, also known as purple and amethyst fungus, is also widespread in Bulgaria.

The inexperienced eye could confuse the two mushrooms. However, the old mushrooms know that the amethyst chameleon mushroom differs in the violet color of its hump. Its lamellae, stump and spore pollen are colored in the same paint. Otherwise, the amethyst chameleon sponge is suitable for consumption.

Cooking chameleon mushroom

The chameleon sponge is an edible mushroom that is successfully used in cooking, despite its small size. It is traditionally present on the menu of the people of Oaxaca, Mexico. It is suitable for cooking, baking, frying, marinating. It can be prepared alone or combined with greens: spinach, dock, nettle, onion, garlic, carrots, tomatoes.

Combines with other mushrooms. It can be successfully used in risotto, various types of pasta, salads, sauces, soups, snacks, pâtés, casserole. The chameleon mushroom becomes especially tender and appetizing when absorbed from cream or melted butter. Season with fresh dill and parsley, lemon juice, black pepper, paprika, cumin, devesil, basil, marjoram and more.

Benefits of chameleon sponge

Eating chameleon sponge it affects us positively for a number of reasons. It is a source of B-group vitamins, the intake of which in turn has a good effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The chameleon sponge also contains vitamin D, which we know is important for bone strength. It is mostly obtained through sunlight, but when we do not have time to expose ourselves to the sun long enough, it is best to take it through food.

Vitamin D intake, in addition to taking care of the strength of bones, nails and hair, prevents osteoporosis. From the chameleon sponge we can also get a certain amount of vitamin E. It is useful because it prevents clogging of blood vessels, takes care of the healthy and beautiful appearance of our skin and protects against some cancers.

Studies show that this vitamin is especially useful for people who are active in sports or undergo strenuous physical labor. Scientists also believe that vitamin E intake helps prevent the insidious Alzheimer's disease.
