Forget About Fruits - Drink Beer

Forget About Fruits - Drink Beer
Forget About Fruits - Drink Beer

The heat during the summer months can be unbearable. Perhaps the only option to escape the warm weather is to spend most of the day on the beach, very close to the sea.

Of course, we can temporarily cool off with delicious ice cream or cold beer. Beer is a favorite drink of many people - it can bring not only freshness in the heat, but in moderation is good for health.

It has enough antioxidants and vitamins to contribute to the health of the body, as long as beer is drunk in reasonable quantities.

It is believed that the level of useful antioxidants and vitamins contained in it exceeds that in some fruits - such as apples, melons, watermelon.


These data were confirmed by experts who participated in the National Conference of the Bulgarian Society of Nutrition and Dietetics, which was recently held for the seventh time.

It is also claimed that the beer produced in our country is a great source of low molecular weight antioxidants (glutathione and proline), which are very important for the human body. Glutathione is actually a protein found in fruits and vegetables.

It is also synthesized by the human body, and in combination with vitamin C glutathione is one of the main antioxidants that destroy the harmful substances we have ingested.

Proline, on the other hand, is one of the twenty amino acids that make up the structure of protein molecules. Proline is indispensable in the synthesis of collagen - it takes care of bones and connective tissue.


In fact, the substance can be synthesized by the body, but can also be absorbed by food.

Beer seems to be a must-have during football matches as well - Germans drank about 10 million hectoliters of beer during the World Cup, which took place in June.

Only the alcoholic beverage is included in these huge quantities. According to this study, beer, which contains various fruit juices, is consumed significantly less - for the first half of the year were tested only 2.2 million liters.
