

Adrenaline is a very important hormone and neurotransmitter that is produced in the cells of the adrenal core, as well as in some neurons of the central nervous system. From a chemical point of view adrenaline belongs to a group of monoamines called catecholamines.

It is synthesized from the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine. Adrenaline is also called stress hormone due to the fact that in stressful situations the synthesis of adrenaline increases significantly.

Adrenaline and its effects in the body have been studied for a long time and it has been found that adrenaline receptors in the body are located in almost all tissues of the body and therefore the reaction to its impact is instantaneous.

The effect of adrenaline, however, is quite short-lived - only 5 minutes. This is due to its active processing by the body, because in response to the release of adrenaline, systems are activated for its deactivation.

Adrenaline production
Adrenaline production

The synthetic analogue of adrenaline is epinephrine. The dose and duration of treatment with epinephrine are determined by your doctor.

The norepinephrine solution for injection is administered subcutaneously or intravenously, but by qualified medical personnel. It is used to treat medical emergencies such as anaphylactic shock, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, to treat cardiac arrest.

Adrenaline functions

The main functions of adrenaline are to increase carbohydrate metabolism; to serve as a mediator in the conduction of nerve impulses; excites the respiratory center; raises blood pressure sharply and briefly; slows peristalsis and raises blood sugar levels; lowers the tone of the smooth muscles of the bronchi; increases the basic exchange.

Thanks to adrenaline people have an excellent means of counteracting external attacks such as fear, stress, emotions. Adrenaline is triggered in such situations.

Stress triggers its secretion by the adrenal glands. The mission of adrenaline is to mobilize the necessary energy reserves to be able to adapt the body to a stressful situation.

During sports, under the influence of adrenaline, the amount of blood increases to nourish the muscles. The activity of the esophagus decreases and sweating increases so that the body can get rid of excess energy.


High levels of adrenaline

Sometimes the production of adrenaline becomes indiscriminate for no apparent reason. This causes painful consequences that are normal for high levels adrenalinebecause this hormone is extremely important, and its overproduction affects emotional and social behavior. Proof of this is norepinephrine - one of the derivatives of adrenaline.

Norepinephrine affects the state of wakefulness. In case of stress, it begins to be produced in increased quantities. The result is spinning in bed all night. In diseases such as a tumor in the adrenal glands, adrenaline becomes hyperactive again.

The most characteristic manifestations of this overproduction are sweating, anxiety attacks, chest cramps, severe pallor and high blood pressure. Adrenaline levels rise under constant stress, leading to depression and exhaustion.

According to American scientists, high levels of adrenaline reduce the chance of successful conception. For this reason, experts advise doctors to pay attention to adrenaline levels in women who want to conceive.

The hormone Adrenaline
The hormone Adrenaline

At low levels adrenaline a person suffers from daytime drowsiness - a condition that is also not pleasant at all. From all that has been said so far, it is clear that the influence of adrenaline and its derivatives on emotional behavior, digestion, intellectual and physical tone is very large. This means that we must learn to manage it, otherwise the way of life deteriorates significantly.

Adrenaline boom

It is no secret that the separation of adrenaline in activities such as skydiving it brings incredible emotional sensations. In human life, adrenaline is brought by sports, recreation and activities that cause the maintenance of adrenaline levels, bringing incredible sensations.

According to some authors, each person has their own norm for emotions - an emotional peak, to reach which each person needs from time to time. If it is impossible to perform such actions, a person may become depressed.

Psychiatrists claim that in about 30% of the population the threshold for an emotional reaction is very high and additional stimulus is required to reach the emotional outburst accompanied by the release of adrenaline.

These are high speed, skydiving or in other words - risk. As a rule, conditions such as fatigue, stress, dissatisfaction are foreign to such people, because their life attitude is directed in another direction.