Clove Berries Against Sudden Spikes In Blood Pressure

Clove Berries Against Sudden Spikes In Blood Pressure
Clove Berries Against Sudden Spikes In Blood Pressure

Cloves are among the spices in cooking that carry the strongest aroma. It is used in small quantities, as overdoing it will make the cake unpleasant to the taste. Known mainly as a spice for cakes, cloves is also a great helper in folk medicine.

In the Bulgarian folk healing practice the spice is known for the treatment of gas and all kinds of digestive disorders, including abdominal pain. Another healing property of cloves is its ability to lower high blood pressure and rather normalize blood pressure, which is characterized by sharp changes and jumps in values.

Such sudden changes in the blood are extremely unpleasant as a feeling, so we offer you an easy recipe, thanks to which you will normalize its values. Here's what you need:

- 40 cloves

- 4 glasses of water

- Glass bottle

Put the water and the aromatic beans in a suitable container - after it boils, reduce the heat to low. The decoction is completely ready when the water remains at half the amount you originally poured. Then it is time to strain the mixture, finally pour the water with cloves in a suitable glass bottle.

The mixture can also be stored in the refrigerator. This decoction can be drunk three times a day, as an important condition is to consume half an hour before meals. The dose is 1 tsp. per reception, and the course of treatment continues until the end of the decoction.

Another recipe with cloves will lower blood sugar levels and may even help reduce weight. For it you need a liter and a half of water, two cinnamon sticks and a packet of fragrant cloves. All this is mixed in a glass bottle and left in the refrigerator for five days.

The mixture is drunk on an empty stomach every morning, the amount is one cup of coffee. Make this mixture twice more to have an effect - it is important not to interrupt during its consumption. After drinking three doses, take a break of 15 days and repeat the recipe if desired.
