2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Parsley is one of the most used fresh green spices in traditional Bulgarian cuisine. Although dried parsley is also used, nothing can replace the taste and aroma of fresh parsley. If you do not have your own garden and do not trust what is sold in stores or you want to have fresh parsley in the winter, produced by you personally, then the solution is to you grow parsley in a pot at home.
The advantages of growing parsley in a pot are that you can plant it at any time, even in winter and have fresh stalks all year round.
Characteristics of growing parsley in a pot
Parsley is considered an unpretentious and not very demanding plant, but for its successful cultivation in a pot one must prepare and provide certain conditions.
There are two ways to grow parsley at home - to sow seeds or to plant a root from parsley in a pot. When sowing seeds, the growing process is longer and more laborious, and the first cutting of stalks can occur only 1.5-2 months after sowing. But on the other hand, this method allows you to have fresh parsley for quite a long time. When planting roots, fresh parsley will appear much earlier, about 3-4 weeks after planting, but the rapid depletion of roots will not allow the cultivation of parsley for a long time, so they will need to be replaced.
For sowing and growing parsley at home it is recommended to choose early varieties of parsley. By the way, the packaging of some seeds says that parsley can be grown in a pot. For example, curly parsley is believed to be easier to care for and less demanding in terms of its conditions, so many people prefer to grow it at home.
Planting parsley seeds in a pot
Pot and soil
Recommended planting parsley in deep and spacious pots, as it forms a powerful root system. The height of the pots should be at least 15-20 cm, and this size is needed when planting roots and seeds. The pot should have drainage holes to allow excess moisture not to stagnate in the pot. It is good to disinfect the pot with a strong solution of potassium permanganate before planting.
To save time, you can buy soil in a specialty store; any ready-made soil for seedlings with an acidity level in the range of 6.5-7.0 pH will do the job. But you can prepare the mixture yourself for planting by mixing garden soil, humus (compost) and river sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. Any soil, even purchased, is recommended to be disinfected in advance, for example by baking in the oven or scalding, so that all pathogens and fungi die under the influence of high temperatures. Or pour a pink solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin.
Preliminary preparation and sowing of seeds
To swell and germinate easily, you should place the seeds on a damp cloth, which should also be covered with a small piece of damp gauze on top or use cotton. Place a lid on top so that moisture does not evaporate quickly, and place them in a dark and warm place for a few days.
The seeds should not float in water, but only slightly moist. Be sure to check that the towels (or cotton) are slightly damp and never dry out. Up to 20-30 minutes before sowing, marinate in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
Step-by-step instructions for sowing parsley seeds in a pot:
- pour a drainage layer (2-3 cm) on the bottom of the pot;
- fill the pot with soil;

Photo: KarolOlson / pixabay.com
- make channels with a depth of 0. 5 cm and soak them abundantly with water, allowing moisture to be absorbed;
- sow seeds;
- lightly sprinkle the seeds with soil (but not more than 0.5 cm);
- spray the soil on top with a sprayer;
- cover the pot with glass or foil and place in a dark place at a temperature of 25 degrees until shoots appear;
- ventilate the makeshift greenhouse from time to time, moistening the soil with a sprayer if necessary;
- after the emergence of sprouts, the cover is removed and the pot is moved to a cooler place;
- in the case of dense stems, after a while they should be thinned, leaving the strongest, as each plant needs enough space and light. It is optimal to leave one tuft every 5 cm.
When sowing parsley with seeds, the first shoots appear within 2-3 weeks, and the first harvest can be cut only 50-70 days after germination.
Growing parsley in a window by planting roots and in a pot
For this method you need to transplant the roots of parsley from the garden in late summer and autumn in a pot, then you will have green stalks throughout the winter. Before planting in a pot, it is strongly recommended to free the roots from the old soil and lightly cut the tops (only the long ones) so that their length is within 10-15 cm.
Step-by-step instructions for planting parsley roots in a pot:
- a drainage layer should be placed on the bottom of the pot.
- fill the pot 1/3 with soil.
- Divide the roots in the pot 3-4 cm from each other.
- cover with earth and lightly compact.
- only the appendages (apical buds) should protrude from above.
- Pour with a watering can.
- before the growth of new green leaves, place in a slightly cool place (15-18 degrees) and then move to a warmer (at least 18-20 degrees) and bright place (in winter only under a lamp).
When planting roots, the first harvest can be obtained after 3-4 weeks.

How to care for parsley in a pot
In order for the parsley to be able to grow fully and give a stable harvest, it is necessary to create certain conditions for the plant that will be most acceptable for the full development of greenery in the apartment.
To grow parsley, the best place to start is the south window, but you can also place the pots on the east or west window. However, with the onset of spring and even more so in summer, shading by direct sunlight is recommended.
The full growth of parsley requires a day length of at least 12 hours, so during the short winter days in the evening and / or morning it is worth providing additional lighting using phytolamps or full-spectrum LED lamps. The same applies if the weather outside is cloudy.
You should regularly turn the pot towards the light, as the parsley will lean towards the window. And in the summer it is advisable to move the parsley to the balcony.
The optimal temperature for growing parsley at home is 18-20 degrees. The increased air temperature during the growth of parsley, as well as the lack of sunlight, lead to the fact that the sprouts stretch, deform and acquire a light green color.
Parsley is a moisture-loving plant, which is why it needs regular watering. But moisture retention as well as drying should not be allowed. Watering should be carried out when the top layer of soil dries, of course, only with settled water at room temperature. At high temperatures and low humidity, it is recommended to additionally spray the parsley leaves with a spray bottle.
Periodically loosen the top layer of soil after watering (especially if a crust forms after it), which provides air access to the roots of the plant.
After reaching the required stage of development of parsley, once a week you can cut the stalks for use. When cutting them, you should do it at a height of twigs 10-14 cm. It is not desirable to cut the parsley to the root, nor to cut all the stems at once. It is recommended to choose only the longest twigs with large leaves and be sure to leave the stems.
Diseases and pests
If the watering of the plant and the temperature are incorrect, parsley can be affected by fungal diseases. To combat them, it is recommended to carry out treatment with the biological product phytosporin and to further adjust the watering and maintenance conditions. The main pest of parsley are aphids, therefore, at the first signs the leaves should be sprayed with fitoverm.
Important! After treatment of pests or diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the waiting period indicated on the package of the preparation, without using parsley during this period.
See also what parsley juice helps and all the health benefits of parsley.
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