Overeating Leads To Bile Crises

Overeating Leads To Bile Crises
Overeating Leads To Bile Crises

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves. According to doctors, the rich menu we have during the holidays and overeating can lead to discomfort, pain and even bile crises.

According to Dr. Apostol Georgiev, who is the head of gastroenterology at Medline Hospital, alcohol and heavy food have the greatest effect on the stomach, bile and pancreas. It is also known that fatty and heavy foods cause the digestive process to last longer, which also seriously complicates the body.

Most often, after overeating, heartburn begins in the stomach and esophagus. If we have completely overdosed on food, the special feeling appears as if our throat is burning. Other complications are not excluded - bad breath in the morning or white patches on the tongue.

There are also quite common cases in which after overeating there is pain in the right part of the chest and a dagger in the right - just below the ribs. Very often the pain makes it difficult to breathe because it is very strong.

Usually at night sleep is not restful at all - it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position and we are generally restless, sleep is not complete. In fact, the crisis can last from thirty minutes to four hours.

Stomach ache
Stomach ache

Why is this crisis happening and what are the foods to blame for it? Fatty meats, chocolate, fried foods, alcohol and carbonated beverages should come first.

The crisis does not always have to be unbearable with all the symptoms, very often it passes with less discomfort and the promise to ourselves that we will eat more modestly tomorrow. If you do not have complications and pain, to get rid of the accumulated toxic substances, you need to unload.

For this purpose it is not necessary to subject your body and organism to another type of torture - such as the complete cessation of food or daily visits to gyms. It is enough to exclude from your menu fatty foods, concentrated carbohydrates and large amounts of concentrated alcohol.

Give up any cakes, baklava and other similar pastries that are rich in concentrated carbohydrates. Add to the unloading mode a little more movement and things will fall into place pretty quickly.
