Chocolate Is The New Superfood

Chocolate Is The New Superfood
Chocolate Is The New Superfood

In the month of love we are greeted by great news - chocolate is not only incredibly tasty, but also extremely useful for the body.

More recently, authoritative laboratory studies conducted in America have proven that chocolate is the new superfood. This means that the sweet temptation has a number of qualities that make it an even healthier product than some fruits and fruit drinks.

Experts from the Hershey Center in the United States claim that one gram of the product contains more healthy plant compounds and antioxidants than freshly squeezed juices.

This happened after scientists compared cocoa powder - the main ingredient in chocolate, with extracts of blueberries and pomegranate, also known as super fruit, because of its health benefits.

It has also been shown that the specific antioxidant flavanols, an extremely valuable plant compound, is found in much more in chocolate than in fruit.

Eating Chocolate
Eating Chocolate

And antioxidants, in turn, attack and neutralize free radicals, also known as destructive molecules. The main significance of flavanols is the reduction of cardiovascular and cancer diseases.

That is why we can safely call chocolate a super food.

It is necessary to clarify that natural dark chocolate is the one declared a super product, other varieties of cocoa bars still do not fall into this category.

It is also important to know that the qualities of the product are most complete only in its natural state. If you decide to heat-treat the cocoa product, most of its health effects will be lost.

An interesting fact is that 3/4 of the world's cocoa production is now located in West Africa. Cocoa has been produced for at least 3,000 years in Mexico, Central and South America, with the earliest document dating back to 1100 BC.
