Innovation! We Will Drink Blue Wine

Innovation! We Will Drink Blue Wine
Innovation! We Will Drink Blue Wine

A unique innovation is about to conquer the European market. If you are tired of the usual white and red wines, then in front of you is the new one blue wine.

A new palette will soon be added to the wine lists in the restaurants. The innovation is called Geek and is a mixture of white and red wine. There are no added colorants and sweeteners. Its blue color is achieved entirely by mixing natural ingredients - a chemical from the plant dye sickle, cyanide together with pink pigment pigment.

The idea came to six young entrepreneurs from the Basque region in Spain. They borrowed it from the book The Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Rene Moborno. In it, the business market is presented as a competitive red ocean. The goal is to find a strategy to make the water blue again.

The Basque region is popular for its sparkling wine production. However, the idea is for the new product to be something new and not to fit into any stereotypical boundaries.

The creators of blue wine are about to make the biggest innovation in the wine industry so far. They are adamant that the color blue is a symbol of innovation, lightness, change, development and infinity.

Smoked salmon
Smoked salmon

The young people have no experience in winemaking. However, they believe that the wine industry in Spain needs a revolution and are convinced that innovation will do just that. So far, it is known that the new wine will go best with smoked salmon, sushi, nachos with guacamole and Pasta Carbonara.
