German Kitchen

German Kitchen
German Kitchen

German cuisine is varied, delicious and by no means dietary. It has a very rich and interesting history, and the culinary features differ significantly in different parts of Germany.

The Germans are big fans of potatoes. They are prepared in many ways - baked, fried or as ingredients in cold salads. They are not fans of mashed potatoes, but prefer dumplings - a traditional side dish that can be served as a dessert.

Potatoes with sausages
Potatoes with sausages

Among the traditional food delicacies can be included the dish Eintopf - cooked in a pot, which replaces the whole lunch. Among the desserts a prominent place is occupied by the Austrian-derived Apfelstrudel (apple strudel), various cuisines (pastries), gingerbread and other pasta desserts.

In western Germany - the Black Forest and Baden-Württemberg - vegetables are preferred, and in the south - in Bavaria and other surroundings - on the contrary, the emphasis is on fat and fatty meat.

Soups are not very popular in Germany. The most famous are Gulaschsuppe, which is similar to Hungarian goulash; spicy Bohnensuppe soup (thick bean soup) and Zwiebelsuppe soup (onion soup), identical to French onion soup.

Sausages with sauerkraut
Sausages with sauerkraut

In East Germany, solyanka is also prepared - a spicy Ukrainian soup with chopped sausage. The Bavarian soup Leberknödelsuppe is also found. German appetizers are not complicated, salads, pâtés and appetizers are usually served. In northern Germany, the emphasis is on fish and seafood, with trout being the most preferred.

German cuisine always gives birth to filling and very tasty dishes. The main role is played by meat and especially pork, which is prepared in various ways. German sausages or the so-called "Frankfurters". Let's not forget the sausages, which are a traditional food in the Christmas bazaars.

Cabbage is highly esteemed in Deutschland. The Germans prepare it fried, boiled or sour. Green cabbage is marinated as Sauerkraut, and red is prepared with apples and is called Apfelrotkohl. Another revered vegetable is asparagus. From April to June, when it is asparagus season, many restaurants serve the so-called asparagus menu.


Germans like to drink coffee. With "Kaffeekuchen" they call coffee with cake. They prefer to drink their coffee with dessert.

One of the most popular German pastries is stolen. It is in the shape of bread and is prepared during the Christmas holidays. In its composition there are finely chopped dried or candied fruits, nuts, aromatic spices. The top is covered with crystal or powdered sugar or with a glaze of whipped egg whites and sugar.

Germans like to welcome guests, big family holidays and eat together in a big family circle. Of the alcoholic beverages, they like beer the most. It is no coincidence that the great popularity of the annual beer festival - Oktoberfest.

The most famous types of beer are pils - the traditional bitter beer and weizen - white beer from the top fermentation with 50% wheat malt and radler - a light fruit beer, preferred by the young.
