When Does Eating A Banana Replace The Pill?

When Does Eating A Banana Replace The Pill?
When Does Eating A Banana Replace The Pill?

A favorite fruit from childhood - that's it the banana in the minds of most people. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, but it is useful because of the vitamins and minerals in its composition, which are more than in most of the other preferred fruits.

Potassium is the most abundant in bananas - the mineral that lowers blood pressure. To avoid taking high blood pressure medications, it is a good idea to increase your banana intake and reduce or eliminate salt altogether.

Here are some of the best properties of this delicious southern fruit.

For high blood pressure - hypertension is a risk factor for the most dangerous cardiovascular diseases, and the risk of them can be reduced only by consumption of a few bananas daily. Potassium in them stimulates the excretion of sodium with excess fluids in the body.

In depressive states - they are among the most common mental disorders of the personality and affect a serious percentage of the population. The vitamin B6 contained in bananas has a positive effect on mood and chases away the anxiety characteristic of depression. Deficiency of this vitamin results in anxiety, nervousness and irritation.

benefits of banana
benefits of banana

Helps with insomnia - most people do not get enough sleep, and it is known that sleep is directly related to health, both physical and mental. It takes 7-8 hours of sleep a day and in the absence of help, bananas can come. Vitamin B6 in them promotes the production of melatonin - the hormone of happiness.

With constipation - stomach problems accompany almost everyone today, and winter is a real disaster in terms of complaints of constipation due to the reduced amount of water we drink during the day. The fiber in the banana will help deal with the problem.

In premenstrual syndrome - again a condition known to most women. The problems start 1-2 weeks before the date of the cycle and are expressed in various complaints. The negative effects can be overcome thanks to vitamins B6 and E, magnesium and other elements contained in the fruit.

The benefits of bananas are indisputable and therefore it is recommended as alternative to drugs, when they are not obligatory in case of a certain complaint.

If you want to eat a banana early in the morning, see our article - Banana smoothie with peels.
