11 Red Vegetables, Good For Health

11 Red Vegetables, Good For Health
11 Red Vegetables, Good For Health

Red vegetables can help reduce the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis and high cholesterol.

The phytonutrients that give them the red color, also have powerful health benefits. Darker colors usually mean that vegetables are richer in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients have been shown to help prevent cancer, fight chronic diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Red vegetables get this shade and nutrients thanks to lycopene and anthocyanins. Lycopene is an antioxidant that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, protects the eyes, fights infections and prevents damage from tobacco smoke. Anthocyanins protect the liver, improve vision and reduce blood pressure and inflammation.

In this article we have prepared 11 red vegetablesto add to your diet to maintain good health.

1. Red beets

Red beets are a useful red vegetable
Red beets are a useful red vegetable

Beetroot is one of the most antioxidant-rich vegetables. It is also a source of potassium, fiber, folic acid, vitamin C and nitrates. This root vegetable can lower blood pressure, improve blood flow and increase physical endurance.

2. Red cabbage

The dark color of red cabbage comes from anthocyanins and powerful antioxidants that can reduce the risk of brain disorders, cancer and cardiovascular disease. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. A bowl of red cabbage will provide you with 85% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, 42% of that of vitamin K and 20% of that of vitamin A. It is also a great source of fiber, vitamin B6, potassium and manganese.

3. Tomatoes

Red tomatoes
Red tomatoes

Tomatoes have hidden benefits. They are a great source of lycopene, vitamin C and potassium. About 85% of lycopene in our diet comes from fresh tomatoes and tomato products.

4. Red pepper

These sweet vegetables will supply you with the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, 3 times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C and have only 30 calories. Red peppers are a great choice for maintaining healthy immune function and radiant skin. The high concentration of vitamin C helps prevent infections. Eat peppers raw or cooked to get vitamin B6, vitamin E and folic acid.

5. Radishes

Red vegetables - Radishes
Red vegetables - Radishes

These spicy root vegetables are from the cruciferous family. Radishes are a good source of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium, and have only 9 calories for half a bowl. The fiber contained in them will help you stay full and satisfied. Radishes are rich in most vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in their raw state.

6. Red hot pepper

Fight inflammation thanks to red hot peppers. The capsaicin they contain can reduce pain. 30 g of red hot peppers contain 2/3 of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, as well as magnesium, copper and vitamin A.

7. Radicio

Red vegetables - Radicio
Red vegetables - Radicio

Just one bowl of radicchio will provide you with more than the recommended daily allowance of vitamin K. In addition, this leafy vegetable provides folic acid, honey, manganese and vitamins B6, C and E.

8. Red lettuce

Red lettuce is rich in nutrients that can help prevent cancer and slow down aging. Red and dark leafy vegetables are usually higher in nutrients such as antioxidants and vitamin B6. A bowl of grated red lettuce provides almost half of the recommended daily allowance of vitamins A and vitamin K. Lettuce leaves will also help you stay hydrated as they are made up of 95% water.

9. Rhubarb

Red vegetables - rhubarb
Red vegetables - rhubarb

Rhubarb contains calcium, potassium, vitamin C and almost half of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K for just one bowl. Choose a level without a lot of sugar to get the most benefits.

10. Red onion

Red onions contain phytochemicals that can improve the immune system, reduce cholesterol production and keep the liver healthy. Allyl sulfides in it help fight cancer and cardiovascular disease, and fiber keeps the intestinal microflora healthy.

11. Red potatoes

Red potatoes
Red potatoes

It is recommended to eat red potatoes to balance your blood pressure. They are high in potassium, vitamin C, thiamine and vitamin B6. No matter how you like to consume them, do not throw away the skin. It is rich in fiber and contains many vitamins. Red potatoes contain many phytonutrients that give their skin a pink or red color.
